On the snow-covered, bitterly cold museum construction site here, word went out to the assembled crowd: The helicopter had landed.
The Japanese architect Tadao Ando was making one of his twice-yearly, 7,000-mile trips from Osaka to New York to the Berkshires for a project that had gone on longer than anyone, including Mr. Ando, had expected at the outset: the dozen-year, $145 million expansion of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, which is finally scheduled to open in July.
日本建筑师安藤忠雄当时正在进行自己一年两次、长达7000英里的旅行,从大阪飞到纽约,到伯克夏郡指导一个耗时超过所有人(包括他本人)最初预期的项目:斯特林和弗兰锡恩·克拉克艺术博物馆(Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute)的扩建工程,它耗时12年,耗资1.45亿美元,终于定于今年7月开幕。
Mr. Ando does not like to leave Japan for very long, and, initially, he didn't know where Williamstown was. He signed on because of the natural beauty of the site and what he called the masterpieces in the Clark's collection.
The Clark, which opened in 1955, founded by an heir to the Singer sewing fortune, is a revered jewel-box museum with a stellar group of European and American works by masters like Degas, Sargent and Monet. The original neo-Classical-style white marble building was joined by a 1970s Brutalist structure, the Manton Research Center. The New York architect Annabelle Selldorf is renovating both of the existing older structures, and the landscape firm Reed Hilderbrand is reconfiguring the grounds.
克拉克博物馆1955年开放,由辛格缝纫财团的一位继承人创立,它是一个令人敬畏的、充满宝物的博物馆,收藏有欧洲和美国的很多大师的杰作,包括德加斯(Degas)、萨金特(Sargent)和莫奈(Monet)。最早的建筑是新古典主义风格的白色大理石建筑,20世纪70年代加入了一个野兽派建筑——曼顿研究中心(Manton Research Center)。纽约建筑师安娜贝勒·塞尔道夫(Annabelle Selldorf)正在整修这两个现存的较老的建筑,景观设计公司里德·希尔德布兰德(Reed Hilderbrand)正在重新布置庭院。
The many-faceted master plan also called for a new visitor, exhibition and conference center designed by Mr. Ando, who has built very rarely in the United States, notably the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts in St. Louis.
这个多元化的总体规划还包括一个新的游客、展览和会议中心,设计师是安藤忠雄,他在美国的设计作品很少,其中比较著名的有沃斯堡现代艺术博物馆(Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth)和圣路易斯的普利策艺术基金会(Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts in St. Louis)。
And his arrivals are hotly anticipated. A winner of the Pritzker Prize, he is renowned for instilling a thoughtful air of calm in his simply arranged structures of thick-walled concrete and is treated with great reverence at the Clark, especially since he completed the widely acclaimed Stone Hill Center on a wooded hillside here in 2008. It houses two art galleries and a series of conservation labs with magnificent views of the Taconic Range and the Green Mountains.
人们热切期待他的到来。他是普利兹克建筑奖获得者,以在构造简单的厚壁混凝土建筑中注入一丝深思的平静而闻名,他在克拉克博物馆受到了十分尊敬的对待,特别是2008年他在纽约林木繁茂的山坡上完成广受赞誉的石山中心(Stone Hill Center)之后。石山中心有两个画廊和一系列保护实验室,能看到塔科尼克山和绿山的优美景色。
Trailed by a dozen workers and museum staff members, Mr. Ando immediately made the rounds to inspect the progress on his latest Clark building, a low-slung visitor center set on a three-tiered reflecting pool that provides a focal point for the whole campus. After approving various details — in particular the lack of porousness in the concrete — he pronounced the progress a success.
Then came the banter. He and Michael Conforti, the Clark's director, have been involved in an odd-couple relationship since 2001, when, after a long selection process and a long courtship, Mr. Conforti persuaded him to take on the project. In an era when huge new museum projects are par for the course, the interplay at the Clark demonstrates how the give and take between designer and client turns divergent ideas into a synthesis of bricks and mortar — or in this case, concrete and granite.
接下来是谈笑时间。他和克拉克博物馆的馆长迈克尔·孔福尔蒂(Michael Conforti)从2001年开始了一段古怪的搭档关系,当时在长时间的挑选和恳求之后,孔福尔蒂说服他接下了这个项目。那个年代,兴建大型新博物馆是常事,这个项目表明设计师和客户之间的互动能把不同意见变成砖与泥的混合物——在这里也许应该说成混凝土与花岗岩的混合物。
"He's a visionary," Mr. Conforti said of Mr. Ando. "We needed an architectural vocabulary that could unify the campus without copying the two styles of building we already have."
But no one ever said hiring a starchitect would make life easy.
"The director is very critical," Mr. Ando burst out at one point, through a translator who shadowed him on his visit. He had a large smile on his face as he continued: "He is a strong man. He has an opinion, and he sticks to it."
Mr. Conforti followed up by saying, "It's been an energetic relationship."
The back and forth between the proudly self-taught Mr. Ando — who was once a boxer — and Mr. Conforti, a Harvard Ph.D. who has been running the Clark for 20 years, has pushed the project to be more ambitious than it might otherwise have been.
The telling details are two walls of red granite at the entrance, as well as the tiered reflecting pools in back. The first was Mr. Conforti's idea and the second, Mr. Ando's. Neither of them was thrilled with the other's suggestion at first, but they learned to embrace both elements in the process of working together.
Mr. Ando's close friend Kazuhito Yoshii, a New York art dealer, was trailing along during Mr. Ando's recent Clark visit and has witnessed the interplay many times.
"It's a long-term relationship. It's like a marriage," Mr. Yoshii said.
Since completing the Stone Hill Center, Mr. Ando has focused on creating a visitor center that can accommodate modern museum necessities like a gift shop and cafe, as well as the large temporary exhibition spaces the Clark has always lacked. It is scheduled to open on July 4 with "Make It New," a show of abstract paintings from the National Gallery of Art.
在完成石山中心的项目后,安藤忠雄把注意力放到设计这个游客中心上来,它需要既能容纳现代博物馆的基本需求,比如礼品店和咖啡店,也能容纳克拉克博物馆一直缺乏的大型临时展览空间。它计划7月4日和“让它变新”(Make It New)展览同时开幕,这个展览是国家美术馆的抽象画展览。
To emphasize the natural beauty of the Clark's 140-acre setting and to defer to the original white marble building, beloved among the Clark's patrons, both Mr. Ando and Mr. Conforti were keen on putting much of the center's mass underground, while avoiding gloom.
Mr. Ando has shown an ability to suffuse rooms with light in surprising ways. One of his most famous projects is the Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church in Ibaraki, Japan, which is known as the Church of the Light because of the cruciform-shaped opening in the concrete wall behind the altar.
Bold, simplified gestures like that are his stock in trade. "I pursued simplicity to an extreme," Mr. Ando said of his visitor's center design, which is essentially two concrete and glass pavilions connected by a long gallery. "It's like a swan with its wings spread."
Mr. Ando's devotion to concrete is part of his architectural signature. "Using a material that is ubiquitous, that is everywhere, but still creating something that nobody else can — that's my motto," Mr. Ando said.
But Mr. Conforti was also keen to have Minnesota red granite as an integrating element, because it is already featured on the campus, notably the cladding of the Manton building. He recalls the architect resisting for a time (though Mr. Ando now remembers otherwise). In any case, Mr. Ando agreed to use the granite for the first time in his career, for two red walls that serve as the focal point of the entrance. Visitors will walk through the point where the two walls almost meet. They also create an outdoor courtyard and help hide the building's mass upon approach.
From the beginning, Mr. Ando felt strongly that a water feature would unify the campus. "I use water quite often in my work," he said. Mr. Conforti acknowledged that he hadn't jumped at the idea of the tiered pools at first, nor had his trustees.
He said: "I think some of the practical people on the board thought, ‘Why build a water feature if it's nonfunctional?' It's not a very New England thing to do." Mr. Conforti decided that humor was the best strategy when it came to convincing others. "When I first introduced the concept to the community in a slide show back in 2003, my first image of it had a Zamboni," he said. "I wanted people to think of it as a fun place to be, not as an architectural affectation."
他说:“我想董事会里的一些注重实用性的人当时在想,‘为什么要建一个没有实用功能的水景?' 它不是一个非常符合新英格兰作风的做法。”孔福尔蒂认为,在说服别人的时候,幽默是最好的策略。“2003年我第一次用幻灯片把这个设计介绍给董事会的时候,我的第一张图是赞博尼磨冰机,”他说,“我想让人们把它当成一个好玩的地方,而不是建筑虚饰。”
Mr. Ando, 72, does not strike most who meet him as affected. Given the severity and serenity of his work, his personality takes some people by surprise: a cross between a Japanese philosopher king and an impish uncle, cracking jokes at news conferences and at forums for Clark patrons.
He takes his work seriously, but not solemnly. He once named his dog Le Corbusier, after his architectural idol, and kept him around the office. "He could tell the good clients from the bad clients," Mr. Ando said. "He would have been quite alerted when he saw Michael."
他认真看待自己的作品,但并不郑重其事。他曾经用自己的建筑学偶像勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)的名字给自己的狗命名,并让狗待在办公室里。“他能判断客户的好坏,”安藤忠雄说,“他要是看到迈克尔,一定很警惕。”
The legacy of Mr. Conforti will surely rest on the expansion plan's success, and on compromises made over the decade.
He's thousands of miles away, Mr. Conforti said, "and he's an architect who is special because of his sculptural, light-filled spaces and not necessarily his devotion to museum programming."
"The respect we had for each other's point of view evolved over time," he added.
As he wrapped up his visit, Mr. Ando seemed pleased. "Ultimately, we got what we wanted," he said. "When the common goal is to have good architecture, usually the fight doesn't end as a fight. It ends as a collaboration."