China’s move to reform its state-owned enterprises has seen more than $50bn of assets change hands in just two deals that make clear the potential scale of a transformation of the sprawling sector.
The two deals are the vanguard of what the region’s investment bankers hope will be a steady stream of work in the coming years as Beijing pushes forward with reforms intended to streamline lumbering SOEs and boost economic efficiency. What is less certain, however, is how profitable it will be for the dealmakers.

Sinopec this week agreed to sell a $17.4bn stake in its retail unit to a group of 25 mostly domestic investors. Just last month, Citic Group injected $37bn of assets into a Hong Kong-listed unit, transforming an ailing $6bn subsidiary into a $44bn financial conglomerate overnight.
本周,中石化(Sinopec)同意将174亿美元的零售部门股份出售给一个由25个投资方组成的团体。这25家投资方主要由民企组成。就在上个月,中信集团(Citic Group)向其在香港上市的子公司注入了370亿美元资产,一夜之间将一个问题缠身的市值60亿美元的子公司变成了一个市值440亿美元的金融集团。
“Will reform keep banks busy? For sure. Will it produce a rush of fees? That’s less clear,” says one senior equity banker.
The size of the investment banking fee pool in Asia has tended to lag banker hopes even as the region’s fast-growing emerging markets, including China, have tempted dealmakers east.
Even when Asian investment banking revenue reached record levels in 2010 and 2011 as Chinese mega-listings made Hong Kong the world’s biggest IPO market, Asia accounted for, at best, 17 per cent of the global fee pool, according to Dealogic. On average over the past decade, it has produced 12 per cent of the pie.
Citic and Sinopec offer two different approaches to reform. The first was in effect a reverse listing, while Sinopec was a partial spin-off. Bankers expect these will roughly bookend the formats adopted.
“There are some SOEs with listed subsidiaries and then there are those where the main entity is already listed, but with subsidiaries that may offer untapped value,” says Mille Cheng, co-head of Asia Pacific equity capital markets at Morgan Stanley, who expects that the process will take a while to evolve. “A lot of them are now exploring what they might want to do.”
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)亚太股权资本市场部门共同主管Mille Cheng表示:“部分国企的情况是子公司已经上市,部分国企是母公司已经上市。不过,子公司上市的情况下,改制可能会有利可图。”目前,Mille Cheng预计国企的改制过程需要过一阵才会发展起来。“许多国企都在探索他们想要怎么做。”
Fees for the Sinopec deal are still being finalised. The oil major was advised by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, CICC, Citic Securities and Deutsche Bank.
中石化交易的佣金仍未最终敲定。为这家石油巨头提供咨询服务的包括美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)、中金公司(CICC)、中信证券(Citic Securities)以及德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)。
None of the four would comment on the deal. However, China’s SOEs are known for using their size and importance to push back hard on fees. Banks will also typically accept lower fees on deals like this in the hope they will win a leading place on any IPO – as expected will happen in the Sinopec deal – down the line.
Said one person involved in the Sinopec deal: “To be honest, the more important thing is the eventual listing. I think all the banks see it as about that.”
Listing fees in Hong Kong vary. Banks may earn perhaps 3 per cent of the amount raised on smaller, private companies but something nearer 2 per cent on bigger deals. New York fees, by contrast, are much higher, at more than 5 per cent on most deals – and there are usually fewer banks splitting the fee pool.
In Asia, however, listings have an outsized importance to the overall investment banking fee pool, meaning they are worth chasing. About 40 per cent of the industry’s fees come from listings, compared with an average of a quarter globally.
Some bankers, however, caution against assuming the spin-off and list pattern would hold true this time round.
“The ultimate goal is not listing in itself. The government wants these companies to be more mature in how they operate and to have a major presence in international financial markets. This will happen in many different ways,” says Eugene Qian, head of China banking at Citi.
花旗(Citi)中国银行业务主管钱于君(Eugene Qian)表示:“最终目标不是上市本身。中国政府希望这些企业能够在运营方面更加成熟,并希望他们能够全面走向国际金融市场。许多不同途径都可以实现这一目标。”
If a steady stream of IPOs fails to materialise, that poses a risk for bankers’ fee hopes.
Only Citic Securities and Morgan Stanley got official credit for Citic’s deal and other largely internal restructurings are likely to produce similarly limited work. Unless, of course, investment bankers manage to persuade SOEs that divestments or spin-offs should be part of those deals, too.