Rafael de Cárdenas is a big fan of geometric patterns because they're "a good and relatively easy way to immerse a viewer in a space," he said.
拉斐尔·德·卡尔德纳斯(Rafael de Cárdenas)是几何图形的狂热粉丝,因为这些图形,是“能让观看者沉浸在空间当中的一个既效果良好又相对简易的途径”,他说。
Mr. de Cárdenas, the 39-year-old founder of Architecture at Large, a design studio with offices in New York City and London, said he often uses the patterns on walls, but he has found that three-dimensional geometric forms used in multiples can have a similar effect.
作为一家在纽约和伦敦两地都设有办公室的设计公司Architecture at Large的创始人,39岁的德·卡尔德纳斯说,自己常常在墙面上运用这种图形。但他已经发现,成倍地运用三维几何形状,也能达到一种相似的效果。
"I like having a field of repeating things that produce a new pattern by their relationship to each other," he said.

To illustrate the point, he met a reporter at the Moroso showroom in SoHo, where a wall of stacked squares lighted in various colors is used to display furniture.
The Pause bookcase by Aziz Sariyer was too big to fit in one of those squares but was itself an eye-catching creation of overlapping geometric shapes.
一款由阿齐兹·萨勒耶尔(Aziz Sariyer)设计的Pause书架,因为体积太大而无法放入其中的任何一个方格中,但这个书架本身就是一件引人注目的、重复几何形的设计品。
"It would look supercool if you lined every wall of a room with these," Mr. de Cárdenas said, "and completely filled them up." On further reflection, he added, "Maybe I'd fill up the whole thing, except the cross in the middle."
Moving on to a set of Mark tables by Marc Thorpe displayed in a cube nearby, Mr. de Cárdenas said, "We just specified these for a residential project," adding that the pieces don't take up much space, so they can be grouped together for dramatic effect.
往前走,到陈列在旁边一个立方体中、由马克·索普(Marc Thorpe)设计的一套马克桌那儿,德·卡尔德纳斯说,“我们刚刚为一个住宅项目特别选用了这些桌子,”他还说这些东西不会占用太多空间,那样就可以放在一起,达到夸张的效果。
At Matter, he liked the "sexy and seductive" Stella Triangle lamp by Rosie Li, which used mirrors to produce an infinity effect. "I'd love to have a wall of these," he said. "But it would probably be really expensive."
在Matter商店中,他喜欢上了一盏由罗西·李(Rosie Li)设计的“性感而诱人的”Stella Triangle壁灯。这盏灯用数面镜子缔造出了一种无限延伸的效果。“我喜欢把整面墙都装上这种壁灯,”他说,“但那样做可能真的成本太高了。”
The Chen Chen & Kai Williams Square Stack box set, which he found at the Future Perfect, also appealed to him. "It is geometric, organic, modular and also useful," he said, "especially because I'm a little bit of a pack rat."
他在Future Perfect商店找到的Chen Chen & Kai Williams方型堆叠盒套装,对他也非常有吸引力。“它不但具备几何形状、有机组织和模块化设计,而且还非常实用,”他说,“特别是因为我有点收纳控。”
One of his favorite items, though, was the glass cube planter he found on Score & Solder's website. "I love geometric order with plants," he said. "I would get three or four of these, fill them with chunky, formal succulents and put them on my coffee table."
不过,他最喜欢的几样物件之一,是他在Score & Solder's网站上找到的玻璃立方体花盆。“我喜欢用几何秩序排列植物,”他说,“我会买三、四个这样的花盆,并在里面种上矮胖、匀称的多肉植物,然后把它们放在我的咖啡桌上。”
He found a fire pit by John Paul Plauché equally tempting, as he once had a house upstate and thought this one would "look nice against an organic background, like grass."
他觉得一只由约翰·保罗·普劳切(John Paul Plauché)设计的火盆同样很有诱惑力,因为他曾在美国北部有一栋房屋,所以觉得这只火炉“在诸如草地之类的有机背景衬托下,看起来会很不错”。
But in this case, Mr. de Cárdenas cautioned against multiples. "You don't need a field full of fire pits," he said. "That would be a hazard."