Last Sunday, in a movie theater in central Beijing, a reunion took place of three men who had made possible one of the defining works of Chinese cinema.
Two of them, the Chinese actor and director Jiang Wen and the German filmmaker Volker Schl?ndorff, sat on stage in a conversation on the opening weekend of the Festival of German Cinema. The festival, from Oct. 12 to 26, travels to four Chinese cities. The third man, Jean-Louis Piel, a veteran French producer and resident of Beijing, watched from one of the front rows.
其中的两个人是中国演员兼导演姜文和德国电影制作人沃克·施隆多夫(Volker Schl ndorff),在德国电影节(Festival of German Cinema)开幕的周末,他们坐在台上进行了对话。本届德国电影节从10月12日持续到26日,在中国四个城市举办活动。第三个人是现居北京的资深法国电影制作人让·路易·派(Jean Louis Piel),他就坐在前排看着他们。
Mr. Piel had just escorted Mr. Schl?ndorff, 74, an old friend, and Mr. Schl?ndorff's wife, Angelika, through a throng of Chinese film students who had mobbed the German director outside the theater, at Broadway Cinematheque. They had thrust at Mr. Schl?ndorff pens and copies of his memoir, "Light, Shadows and Movement: My Life and My Films."
派刚刚陪同他的老朋友、74岁的施隆多夫及其夫人安格莉卡(Angelika)从一群电影专业的学生中走了进来,这群学生在百老汇电影中心(Broadway Cinematheque)的影院外把这名德国导演团团围住,争着把笔和施隆多夫的回忆录《光·影·移动:我的电影人生》(Light, Shadows and Movement: My Life and My Films)塞到他手里。
"I'm so proud of the book being translated into Chinese," Mr. Schl?ndorff had said in English as he signed the tomes. It was his first time in China.
The three men had each played a part in the making of "In the Heat of the Sun," a 1994 film about Beijing youth during the Cultural Revolution that had been the directing debut of Mr. Jiang, now 50. The film unfolds as a dream of childhood remembered. It brims with nostalgia and longing and sexual tension. Foreign critics often judge it one of the best works of Chinese cinema of the past two decades.
The German film festival, largely organized by the Goethe-Institut China, had as its centerpiece a retrospective of Mr. Schl?ndorff's films.
德国电影节基本上由中国的歌德学院(Goethe-Institut China)主办,施隆多夫作品的回顾展是本届电影节的重头戏。
"The Tin Drum," a 1979 adaptation of the Günter Grass novel, is arguably the most famous, and it had just been shown earlier on Sunday. Now Mr. Schl?ndorff was ready to discuss his work with students in the theater. For this event, Mr. Jiang had taken a break from shooting his latest film to pay his respects to Mr. Schl?ndorff and to tell the audience of their history together.
拍摄于1979年、根据君特·格拉斯(Günter Grass)的小说改编的《铁皮鼓》大概是他最出名的作品。电影节在周日早些时候放映了这部电影。现在,施隆多夫准备好了与电影系的学生讨论他的作品。为了这次活动,姜文中断了其最新电影的拍摄,为的是向施隆多夫致敬,并向观众讲述他们合作的经历。
"I used to be an actor," said Mr. Jiang, dressed in jeans, a black sports jacket and a black hat. "Then I became a director. In between there was a very big predicament. If it hadn't been for Schl?ndorff reaching out to me, then I would still be an actor. I would not have realized my dream of becoming a director. He and Jean-Louis gave me a hand."
As told by Mr. Jiang, the story went like this:
When Mr. Jiang was trying to edit "In the Heat of the Sun" in the early 1990s, he was strapped for cash, and the Beijing hotel where he was working evicted him. The hotel seized his editing equipment as collateral for overdue rent payments. The novelist Wang Shuo, who was co-writing the film with Mr. Jiang, introduced Mr. Jiang to Mr. Piel, the French producer. Mr. Piel had been working with Zhang Yimou, then a favorite of the European art house cinema circuit.
Mr. Piel advised Mr. Jiang to talk to Mr. Schl?ndorff, who had become a pillar of the film establishment in Germany. At the time, he was in charge of the venerable Studio Babelsberg, outside Berlin. The two met in Berlin. Mr. Schl?ndorff decided to give Mr. Wang the chance to finish editing his film at the German studio, with the studio's full financial support. Mr. Schl?ndorff also helped to get the film selected for the Venice Film Festival. There, the young lead actor, Xia Yu, won the best actor award.
派建议姜文与施隆多夫谈谈。施隆多夫当时已经是德国电影体制的一个支柱。那时,他是历史悠久的巴贝尔斯堡电影制片厂(Studio Babelsberg)的负责人,该厂坐落在柏林附近。两人在柏林见了面。施隆多夫决定让姜文在这个电影厂完成电影剪辑,由他们提供全部资金支持。施隆多夫还帮助这部电影参选了威尼斯电影节。在威尼斯电影节上,年轻的男主角夏雨获得了最佳男主角奖。
"When I saw the rough cut of the film without sound, it was obvious to me I had found a brother, and I wanted to help," Mr. Schl?ndorff said. "That was all, because I knew there was a good picture in there."
Mr. Schl?ndorff said he could still recall scenes from the film — for instance, one where the hero hides beneath a bed as the teenage girl on whom he has a crush, played by Ning Jing, walks into her bedroom. The scene was shot entirely from beneath the bed, with a view of Ms. Ning's ankles as she took off her shoes.
"That was nice filmmaking," Mr. Schl?ndorff said.
He and Mr. Jiang talked about "The Tin Drum," which has influenced many Chinese filmmakers and which, like "In the Heat of the Sun," has a boy protagonist. It shared the Palme d'Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival with "Apocalypse Now."
他和姜文谈论了《铁皮鼓》,这部电影影响了很多中国电影制作人,就像《阳光灿烂的日子》一样,男主角也是一个男孩。在1979年的戛纳电影节上,《铁皮鼓》和《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now)共同获得了金棕榈奖。
"It really is unparalleled," Mr. Jiang said. "People asked me why I keep coming back to this. It's really a masterpiece."
The film was a commercial success in Germany, but it became known in North America more for its sex scenes and battles with censors in the United States and Canada. It is the kind of problem that Mr. Jiang and other Chinese filmmakers are all too familiar with in their own country.
"There's no sex in ‘The Tin Drum,'" Mr. Schl?ndorff said, to laughter from the Chinese audience.
"There's sex and sexy," Mr. Jiang said in English.
After 10 minutes, Mr. Jiang stood up and hugged Mr. Schl?ndorff. He had to return to the set of his film, a gangster movie set in old Shanghai that was being shot in a Beijing suburb. There were high expectations for it because Mr. Jiang's last film, "Let the Bullets Fly," earned more than 650 million renminbi, or $106 million, in domestic box office revenue in 2010, setting a record for a Chinese-made movie. Mr. Jiang's first three films had not been commercial hits. His second one, "Devils on the Doorstep," a black comedy about the Japanese invasion, had so angered officials that they put him on an industry blacklist of directors for five years.
As Mr. Jiang walked off the stage, Mr. Schl?ndorff grinned. "He invited me to come to his shooting later this week," he said, "and then I will show him how to make a movie."