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In 2008 investors learnt about financial chain reactions. This was not simply because the demise of Lehman Brothers hit other western groups; there was also fallout for emerging market companies.

2008年,投资者领略到了金融连锁反应是怎么回事。这并非仅仅因为雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的垮台冲击了其他西方集团;新兴市场企业也感受到了冲击波。

Take a look, for example, at a fascinating report issued by the Bank for International Settlements this week. It estimates that after the Lehman shock in 2008, about 50,000 companies in emerging countries such as Brazil, China and Russia suffered $30bn in losses when the dollar suddenly surged in value as a safe haven currency. This was because the companies held derivatives contracts – and while these had seemed safe when the dollar was weak, they unexpectedly produced losses after the Lehman shock because nobody had expected currencies to swing so wildly.

It is a lesson in unexpected market consequences in a tightly interconnected world. It is particularly timely given that US Federal Reserve officials have this week signalled plans to tighten monetary policy next year – which has, in turn, pushed the dollar to a 17-month high, since higher rates will make US assets more attractive.
This could easily create new shocks. Since 2008, western central banks have kept monetary policy so loose that global investors have gobbled up emerging market assets in a quest for anything that might produce returns. This has led to a striking, but largely unnoticed, shift in the credit ecosystem: whereas companies in Russia, Brazil, China and India used to raise funds by borrowing money from banks, the BIS notes they have increasingly been selling bonds to asset managers instead.
This creates a risk: when western rates rise, some of those investment flows into emerging markets could go into reverse, creating unexpected chain reactions. Indeed, a small version occurred last year, when markets swung wildly on speculation that the Fed was about to “taper” its super-loose monetary policy.
One point of concern is that these flows are obscured by data fog. If you look at national statistics for debt issuance, they suggest emerging market companies issued $152bn of new debt last year, creating a total of $650bn in outstanding bonds. However, if you look at reports from companies in China, Russia and India, they imply that outstanding bonds are $1.2tn, with $265bn in bond sales last year.
The reason for this dramatic difference is that many companies have sold debt through offshore vehicles, which are hard to track. Worse still, this trend appears to have gone hand in hand with growing currency mismatches, since much of the debt has been sold to foreign investors in dollars – but is being serviced by revenues in domestic currencies.
For some companies – say, big commodity groups in Russia, South Africa or Brazil – this mismatch will matter little as they have easy access to dollars. For others, a dollar swing could pose big risks. Raghuram Rajan, India’s central bank governor, warns of currency mismatches at many large Indian companies. The BIS fears “assets and liabilities are less likely to be matched at property developers in China or energy and utilities firms in India, which have been among the more active international debt issuers in recent years.”
对于某些公司——比如俄罗斯、南非和巴西的大型大宗商品集团——来说,这种货币错配没什么关系,因为它们很容易获得美元。但对其他国家的企业来说,美元汇率波动可能带来重大风险。印度央行行长拉吉拉姆•拉詹(Raghuram Rajan)对许多印度大公司的货币错配提出了警示。国际清算银行担心,“对于中国的房地产开发商或者印度的能源和公用事业公司来说,资产与债务的匹配程度可能更低。近些年,这些公司在国际债券发行方面比较活跃。”
Worse, the asset management industry is highly concentrated, creating a growing tendency for bond investors to act as a herd. The risk, then, is that an Indian or Chinese company defaulting on a bond could create a bigger stampede – and further chain reactions.
Such fears are not new: emerging markets have faced volatile investment flows before. And precisely because of this history, some officials think emerging markets companies are becoming savvier. One cheering detail about the BIS data, for example, is that emerging market companies are issuing bonds of longer maturity. Another is that they seem to be using fewer of the exotic derivatives that caused pain in 2008.
Some central bank officials hope last year’s “taper tantrum” has also helped companies and investors to prepare. “The emerging markets have had an entire year to think about the risks,” points out a senior Fed official. “We have signalled our intentions very clearly.”
有些央行官员希望,去年的“缩减恐慌”(taper tantrum)也可能帮助公司和投资者做好了准备。“新兴市场得到了整整一年时间考虑这些风险,”一位美联储官员指出,“我们非常明确地表达了我们的意图。”
But it is one thing to think about risks in theory, quite another to confront a surging dollar and rising US rates in reality. And, as 2008 shows, in an interconnected world shocks have a nasty habit of cropping up where least expected – particularly amid data fog and asset-liability mismatches tucked in corners of the system that policy makers and investors are struggling to understand.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结



adj. 被忽视的;不引人注意的;未被注意的

concentrated ['kɔnsentreitid]


adj. 全神贯注的,浓缩的 动词concentrate

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

unexpected ['ʌnik'spektid]


adj. 想不到的,意外的

exotic [eg'zɔtik]


adj. 异国的,外来的,奇异的,脱衣舞的

outstanding [aut'stændiŋ]


adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

speculation [.spekju'leiʃən]


n. 沉思,推测,投机





