In a communist society, all citizens are created equal. Until this week, so were all shareholders. But on Thursday, Bank of China sold China’s first preference shares – hybrid securities that convert to common equity if capital ratios fall too far. The Rmb40bn ($6.5bn) issue priced at a 6.75 per cent yield, in the middle of the expected range. Still, the pricing was attractive enough for demand to be reportedly three times the deal size.
社会主义社会人人平等。直至本周以前,股东也是人人平等。然而,就在周四,中国银行(Bank of China)成为第一家发行优先股的中国上市公司。优先股是一种混合型证券,在银行资本充足率跌得太厉害时会转变为普通股。中行这次发行的优先股规模为400亿元人民币(合65亿美元),收益率为6.75%,落在了此前人们预期范围的中间。不过,这一定价依然有很大的吸引力。据报道,对这批优先股的需求达到了发行规模的三倍。
The yield looks generous compared with the available alternatives. Up until last week, when Chinese property developer Agile ran into trouble, that sector’s listed bonds were offered at similar levels. Bank of China’s own common shares yield 7 per cent.
By these measures, the yield is too high. But this is only the first of such deals from the Chinese banks. Preference share approvals suggest $50bn yet to come. With common equity issuance below book value unpalatable, the sector has limited options for improving tier one capital adequacy ratios.
Some might question the need for improvement. The ratios of the big four currently range from 8.6 to 11.3 per cent – against a regulatory target of 9.5 per cent by late 2018. Bernstein estimates that Bank of China’s tier 1 ratio has been boosted 40 to 50 basis points from 10.3 per cent by the preference sale. The bank also has approval to issue a further $9.8bn.
So bears suggest that the search for new capital reflects concern about a blow-up in non-performing loans. Current reported NPL levels are 1 per cent. Similar suspicions surround the adequacy – or accuracy – of banks’ measurement of risk-weighted assets.
All these factors – real or imagined – are likely to have played a part in the need to raise capital at a juicy yield. The big risk is that the capital adequacy ratio falls below 5.125 per cent, and the preference shares convert to equity. But as a Chinese state-owned entity, that chance seems remote. Some are more equal than others.