For the first time in six years, a new challenger has topped the FT’s ranking of executive MBA programmes.
The 2014 ranking of 100 programmes for working senior executives is headed by Trium, runby HEC Paris, the London School of Economics and Stern School of Business at New York University. The top five places continue to be dominated by intercontinental EMBAs.
2014年在职高管100强课程排行榜冠军是由法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris)、伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)和纽约大学斯特恩商学院(Stern School of Business at New York University)三家合办的Trium课程。排行榜前5位继续由洲际EMBA课程把持。

Trium jumped three places to overtake the joint programme taught by Kellogg School of Management near Chicago and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, which had been top of the ranking for five years. It is the first time Trium has headed the ranking and it is only the fourth programme to do so in 14 years.
Trium跃升3名,击败由凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)与香港科技大学(HKUST)联合推出的课程,后者多年来一直高居排行榜榜首。这是Trium首次登上排行榜榜首,也是14年来第四个登上榜首的课程。
Trium is ranked first for the work experience of its alumni before the programme, second for aims achieved and third for international course experience. The programme is second for average salary ($307,003) of alumni three years after graduation, just behind the Kellogg/HKUST programme.
Trium’s alumni value studying alongside senior and international classmates. “It allowed us to exchange [ideas] among ourselves and derive as much additional knowledge as [we gained] from the course itself,” says one.
The ranking is based on surveys of schools and alumni who graduated in2011. This edition gives a snapshot of alumni’s situation compared with when they started the programme.
Salary three years after graduation and salary increase are the main criteria, each accounting for 20 per cent of the ranking’s weight. Most schools in the top 25 score well on at least one of these criteria. The top 10 schools would mostly also rank in the first 10 if salaries and their increases were excluded. The only exceptions are Nanyang Business School and China Europe International Business School, both underperforming in the doctoral and research ranks.
毕业3年后的平均薪资和薪资涨幅是主要的标准,各自占到排行榜权重的20%。在排名前25名的商学院当中,大多在这些标准中至少有一项得分较高。如果去掉平均薪资和薪资涨幅这两项标准,排名前十的商学院大多仍排名前十。只有南洋商学院(Nanyang Business School)和中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School)例外,它们在博士和研究这一项上表现不佳。
The ranking includes schools from 26 countries, including 35 in the US, 10in the UK and nine in China. Renmin University of China School of Business in Beijing rose furthest, climbing 18 places to 43rd. Four schools made it into the ranking for the first time. These are led by Cambridge Judge Business School at 36th. France’s Grenoble Business School is ranked 70th, Turkey’s Sabanci University School of Management is at99th, and Brazil’s Coppead is at 100th.
上榜的商学院包括来自26个国家的商学院,其中美国有35家,英国有10家,中国有9家。中国人民大学商学院(Renmin University of China School of Business)的排名上升最快,从第43名升至第18名。法国的格勒诺布尔商学院(Grenoble Business School)排名第70名,土耳其的萨班哲大学管理商学院(Sabanci University School of Management)排名第99名,巴西的Coppead排名第100名。
Management and leadership skills are just one aspect of EMBAs. “It actually made an entrepreneur of me,” says one graduate. Nearly a third (31 per cent)of graduates have set up their own company, or are about to, since enrolling on their EMBA four or five years ago. FT data show that 91 per cent of the businesses are operating today.
Most entrepreneurs (78 per cent)used savings or relied on friends and family to raise all or part of their start-up funds. Angel financing was also a source for a quarter of entrepreneurs.
An EMBA also boosts corporate careers. “The skills I acquired were key to my promotion,” said one graduate. A fifth are now chief executives, managing directors or board members three years after graduation. Average salaries were up 52 per cent from $114,000 before the programme to $175,000 five years later.