(Reuters) - A Swedish woman has become the world's first to give birth after having a womb transplant, opening up the possibility for thousands of infertile women to have babies, the doctor in charge of the research project said on Saturday.

The unnamed Swede in her mid-30s delivered a healthy baby boy by caesarean section in early September, around two years after receiving a uterus donated by an unrelated, 61-year- old.
She was one of seven women who successfully underwent a womb transplant from a live donor – in most cases the recipient's mother - and subsequently had in vitro fertilization (I V F) treatment.
"There are some more pregnant," Mats Brann strom, Professor of Obstetrics and Gyna ecology at University of Gothenburg told Reuters. "They are more than 28 weeks pregnant."
“还有许多人怀孕了,”哥德堡一所大学的妇产科学教授 Mats Brann strom这样告诉路透社,“她们已经有超过28周的身孕了。”
Brann strom said other hospitals around Europe, the United States, Australia and China had been waiting for results of the Swedish research before beginning their own programs.
Brann strom说欧洲、美国、澳洲和中国的其他医院从瑞典开始这个项目的时候就在等待结果了。
"When we have the results of other studies, we will know how effective the procedure is and what the risks are," he added.
Medical advances in treating infertility and helping women to get pregnant have sparked widespread ethical debate, with some critics saying scientists shouldn't "play God".
Others question the morality of spending huge sums to enable women to get pregnant when they have the option to adopt.
Brann strom said the treatment, the first available for women who were born without a viable womb or who have had their uterus removed because of cancer, was "a matter of justice".
Brann strom说这个治疗是那些生来便没有可用子宫的女性优先,或者是因为癌症而摘除了子宫的女性优先。他说治疗是“正义的事情”。
"If we decide as a society that infertility is a type of disease - which we have - we should try to treat it," he said.
Around 200,000 women in Europe suffer from uterine infertility. Brann strom said a trans plant was "the only solution to the problem" although it was too early to say whether the procedure, which costs around 100,000 eu ros ($125,000), would become common.
欧洲大约有200,000名女性受到不孕的困扰,Brann strom说移植手术是“唯一的解决办法”,但是这个将会耗费大约100,000欧元(125,000)的手术是否会流行起来仍是未知的。
The University of Gothen burg has permission to do 10 womb transplants with up to two full- term pregnancies for each woman.
The university has already treated nine women, two of whom had to have their transplanted wombs removed. All the women treated will have their uteruses removed again after their pregnancies.
"This is the first type of transplant that is temporary," Brann strom said.
Brann strom说:“这是第一种暂时性的移植手术。”
The program's first pregnancy was confirmed in the spring and the baby weighed around 1,775 grams when delivered by caesarean section after the mother developed preeclampsia in the 32nd week of pregnancy.
"The baby screamed right away and has not required any other care than normal clinical observation at the neonatal unit," Brann strom said in a statement.
Brann strom在一次发言中说道,“宝宝一生下来就大哭了起来,受到了和初生婴儿护理部其他正常手术生下来的孩子一样的照顾,”
"The mother and child are both doing well and have returned home. The new parents are of course very happy and thankful."