HONG KONG — For Apple in China, trouble seems to be the new normal.
Cybersecurity monitoring groups and security experts said on Monday that people trying to use Apple’s online data storage service, known as iCloud, were the target of a new attack that sought to steal users’ passwords and then spy on their activities.

Starting over the weekend, when many users across China tried to sign into their iCloud accounts, they may have been giving away login information to a third party, in what is called a man-in-the-middle attack.
“You think you are getting information directly from Apple, but in fact the authorities are passing information between you and Apple, and snooping on it the whole way,” said a spokesman for an independent censorship-monitoring website, GreatFire, who declined to be named because of fear of reprisal.
News of the vulnerability came just as the new iPhone 6 arrived in Chinese stores after a monthlong regulatory delay tied, in part, to concerns about the phone’s security.
有关这一问题的消息传出之际,正值苹果新推出的iPhone 6登陆中国市场。此前,因为监管方面的原因,iPhone 6在中国的发售被推迟了一个月,其中的部分原因是对iPhone安全性的担忧。
Activists and security experts say they believe the attacks are backed by the Chinese government because they are hosted from servers to which only the government and state-run telecommunications companies have access, according to GreatFire. They are also similar to recent attacks on Google, Yahoo and Microsoft aimed at monitoring what information users were retrieving on the sites.
“All signs point to the Chinese government’s involvement,” said Michael Sutton, vice president for threat research at Zscaler, a San Jose, Calif., security company. “Evidence suggests this attack originated in the core backbone of the Chinese Internet and would be hard to pull off if it was not done by a central authority like the Chinese government.”
“所有迹象都指向中国政府与此事有关,”在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的安全公司Zscaler负责威胁研究的副总裁迈克尔·苏顿(Michael Sutton)说。“证据表明,这轮攻击发端于中国互联网的核心中枢,而且假如不是像中国政府这样的中央当局干的,这种攻击将很难实现。”
The targeting of Yahoo, Google and Apple also potentially reveals a new Chinese government effort to adapt to initiatives by Internet companies — most notably new encryption techniques — to protect user data from government spying.
“The Chinese government could no longer sniff traffic, so they intercepted that traffic between the browser and the iCloud server,” Mr. Sutton said.
Many web browsers, like Apple’s Safari, Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox, flashed a warning to users that a so-called encryption certificate that is supposed to identify who is on the other end of a web session should not be trusted. That indicated that users were inadvertently communicating with the attackers, rather than iCloud. In effect, the hackers stepped into the middle of the online conversation.
Mr. Sutton noted that Qihoo, a browser offered by the Qihoo 360 Technology Company that is popular with Chinese Internet users, did not flash a warning to users.
“As more sites move to encryption by default — which prevents the censorship authorities from selectively blocking access to content — the Chinese authorities will grow increasingly frustrated with their ability to censor that content,” said the GreatFire spokesman.
“In some ways their hands are being forced. They can attempt these man-in-the-middle attacks or choose to outright block access to these sites. The more sites they block, the more they cut off the Chinese populace from the global Internet,” he added.
The timing of the attack, aligned with the release of the new iPhone in China, is a potential indicator that the government is trying to harvest sign-in data from a large number of users who are switching over to the iPhone 6. The new phone comes with better encryption to protect against government snooping.
攻击的时机恰好是新款iPhone在中国市场发售之时。这或许意味着,政府正试图从更换到iPhone 6的大量用户手中获取登录数据。为了防止政府的窥探,新款iPhone使用了更好的加密技术。
In September, Apple, based in Cupertino, Calif., said its latest operating system, iOS 8, included protections that made it impossible for the company to comply with government warrants asking for customer information like photos, emails and call history.
今年9月,总部位于加利福尼亚州库比提诺的苹果表示,公司最新的操作系统iOS 8配有的保护措施,将使其无法遵照政府命令,泄露图片、电子邮件和通话记录等客户信息。
The change prompted the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, James B. Comey, to say in a recent speech that new encryption by Apple and others “will have very serious consequences for law enforcement and national security agencies at all levels.”
基于这个变化,联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯·B·科米(James B. Comey)在近期的一次演讲中称,苹果等公司的新型加密技术“将给各个层级的执法和国家安全机构造成严重影响”。
“Sophisticated criminals will come to count on these means of evading detection,” Mr. Comey said.
In August, Apple began storing data for iCloud on servers in China in a move it said was intended to enhance performance of the service there. The company said the state-owned service provider China Telecom, which owns the servers where the data is stored, did not have access to the content.
But security experts say it appears that Beijing has found a workaround, by coordinating man-in-the-middle attacks on a mass scale.
Apple on Tuesday acknowledged a network attack, but clarified that its iCloud servers were not breached. On a security webpage, it implied that man-in-the-middle attacks were being used to direct people to fake connections of iCloud.com, making their user names and passwords vulnerable to theft.
On the webpage, Apple explained how people could distinguish an authentic iCloud.com website from a fake one. Basically, users will receive warnings when the web browser detects a fake certificate or an untrusted connection. Apple advised people to heed those warnings when they appear and avoid signing in.
“Apple is deeply committed to protecting our customers’ privacy and security,” said Trudy Muller, an Apple spokeswoman. “We’re aware of intermittent organized network attacks using insecure certificates to obtain user information, and we take this very seriously.”
“苹果坚定地致力于保护用户的隐私与安全,”苹果的女发言人特鲁迪·穆勒(Trudy Muller)说。“我们知道,有人为了获取用户信息,在通过不安全的证书不时发动有组织的网络攻击,我们对此非常重视。”
Ms. Muller declined to comment on whether Apple had identified the Chinese government as the source of the attacks.
Security experts said users should not visit websites if they receive a browser warning. Mr. Sutton also advised users to turn on two-factor authentication whenever possible, a procedure in which a user is prompted to enter a second one-time password that has been texted to the user’s phone. That way, he said, even if an attacker intercepts a password, they cannot use it to log into a site without the second password.
“Users should treat this seriously,” Mr. Sutton said.