Apple’s new mobile payments service has been blocked by US stores including CVS and Rite Aid that have signed up to a rival wallet app, setting the stage for a showdown between the technology giant and some of the largest US retailers.
苹果(Apple)新推出的移动支付服务已被CVS和Rite Aid等商店禁用,这些商店已经订立合约使用其他钱包应用,至此,美国一些大型零售商与科技巨人苹果已做好了一决胜负的准备。

The two pharmacy chains are part of a consortium called the Merchant Customer Exchange (MCX), which includes Walmart and Best Buy, the electronics retailer, that plans to introduce an alternative mobile payments system called CurrentC in the coming months.
这两家药店连锁店加入了Merchant Customer Exchange(MCX)联盟,该联盟打算在未来几个月内引入CurrentC移动支付系统。联盟成员包括沃尔玛(Walmart)和电器零售商百思买(Best Buy)。
“Given that we are still in the process of evaluating our mobile payment options, Rite Aid does not currently accept Apple Pay,” the company said. “We are continually evaluating various forms of mobile payment technologies, and are committed to offering convenient, reliable and secure payment methods that meet the needs of our customers.”
“鉴于我们仍在评估移动支付可选方案, Rite Aid目前不会接受Apple Pay,”Rite Aid称。“我们正继续评估不同形式的移动支付技术,致力于提供满足客户需求的便利、可靠和安全的支付方式。”
CVS said its stores “cannot accept Apple Pay or other mobile payments that use NFC technology. We are in the process of evaluating mobile payment options for our customers.”
CVS表示,其商店“不接受Apple Pay等采用近场通讯(NFC)技术的移动支付方式。我们正替客户评估不同的移动支付可选方案。”
An Apple representative said that “one big advantage” was that the service used standard NFC technology, ensuring widespread compatibility.
一名苹果代表说,Apple Pay的“一个重大优势”是该服务使用了能确保广泛兼容性的标准NFC技术。
Apple has said that more than 220,000 stores in the US would accept its payment service, including many that are not listed among its launch partners, such as Walgreens, Foot Locker and Macy’s.
苹果表示,美国逾22万家商店将接受其支付服务,包括Walgreens、Foot Locker和Macy’s等不属于其初始合作伙伴的商店。
Gerry Granovsky, payments analyst at Moody’s, said the move by CVS and Rite Aid was a sign that the mobile wallet industry was “getting closer to the finality of the battle lines being drawn”, after previous efforts from mobile operators, Google and PayPal.
穆迪(Moody’s)支付业务分析师格里•格拉诺夫斯基(Gerry Granovsky)表示,CVS和Rite Aid的做法表明,在移动运营商、谷歌(Google)和贝宝(PayPal)的先期努力之后,移动钱包行业“正在接近划定最终战线的时刻”。
“When [CurrentC] launches we think that's probably the last entry into the field – that will really start the battle,” he said.
Turning off support for Apple Pay also means that other contactless payment services, including Google Wallet, can no longer function.
关掉对Apple Pay的支付,也意味着谷歌钱包(Google Wallet)等非接触式支付服务将不能再运行。
Mr Granovsky said the decision could harm companies on all sides of the market, by frustrating iPhone owners and making them go back to using plastic credit cards, while also running the risk of angering the relatively small number of early-adopters of the new technology.
格拉诺夫斯基说,禁用Apple Pay的决定可能伤害市场各方的利益——打消iPhone用户的积极性,迫使他们回去使用塑料信用卡,同时也可能令这一新技术的少量早期接受者感到愤怒。