7. Edward Rust
7. 爱德华•鲁斯特
State Farm Insurance CEO Edward Rust, 64, spent four years wrestling in high school in Illinois before competing in college at both Lawrence Univeristy and Illinois Wesleyan. There, he earned a 22-8-1 record and claimed two NAIA District Championships, according to Fortune. Rust's accomplishments didn't go unnoticed. In fact, the Wrestling Hall of Fame named him an "Outstanding Citizen" in 1994. And wrestling wasn't his only sport either. He also played football for the Titans, Illinois Wesleyan's team.
64岁的州立农业保险公司(State Farm Insurance)CEO爱德华•鲁斯特,在伊利诺伊上高中时做过摔角手,后来曾代表劳伦斯大学(Lawrence University)与伊利诺伊卫斯理大学(Illinois Wesleyan)参加比赛。据《财富》杂志报道,他在大学期间获得了22胜8负1平的成绩,并取得两届全美大学校际体育运动协会(NAIA)地区冠军。鲁斯特取得的成绩从未被埋没。实际上,摔角名人堂在1994年,授予鲁斯特“杰出公民”称号。而且,他喜欢的运动不止摔角。他还曾参加过伊利诺伊卫斯理大学的泰坦足球队(Titans)。