These days, the thing to say if you want to sound smart about Warren Buffett is that the Oracle of Omaha’s crystal ball has cracked. In mid-October, headlines blared that Buffett had lost $2 billion in just two days on Coke and IBM IBM 0.03% .Nevermind that Buffett has said those investements are long-term holdings, that he hasn’t sold a share of either company’s stock, and that he would prefer it if IBM’s shares stayed cheap, for now. It seemed to reinforce the notion that the world’s great stock picker had lost it.
Last year, the book value of Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway badly trailed the S&P 500, increasing less than the broad market index over the past five years for the first time in history. Buffett has acknowledged that his hand picked successors Todd Combs and Ted Weschler, have done better in recent years than he has. (Combs’ and Weschler’s market beating performance was the subject of a recent Fortune story.) Earlier this year, The New York Times highlighted a recent study that found Buffett’s ability to do better than the market has mostly disappeared.
去年,巴菲特执掌的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)账面价值升幅严重落后于标准普尔500指数,史上第一次出现五年涨幅落后于该大市指数的情况。巴菲特承认,最近几年他的表现不如自己亲自挑选的继任者托德•库姆斯和泰德•威施勒。【《财富》(Fortune)杂志最近一篇文章的主题正是库姆斯和威施勒获得强于大市的表现。】今年早些时候,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)援引最近的一项研究报道称,巴菲特跑赢大市的能力已基本消失。