Iron ore fell to a five-year low yesterday as China’s property market showed renewed signs of weakness.
Benchmark Australian ore for delivery into China was assessed at $72.10 a tonne, down 4 per cent, according to data from the Steel Index.
根据“钢铁指数”(Steel Index)的数据,基准的澳大利亚铁矿石的中国交货价格被定在每吨72.10美元,下降4%。

It has fallen more than 40 per cent this year as a wave of new seaborne supply of the key steelmaking ingredient from miners in Australia and Brazil has hit the market at the same time as demand growth has slowed.
A drop in new home prices in almost all Chinese cities tracked by the government was behind the latest downward move in prices. China is heavily dependent on imports of iron ore, buying about 75 per cent from overseas.
Many traders had expected prices to rebound as domestic steel mills and sinter plants (where iron ore fines are mixed with coking coal and partially smelted), closed by the government ahead of the Apec economic summit in Beijing, came back on line. However, this has not happened.
New home prices had dropped in October in 67 out of 70 cities from a year earlier, and in 69 during September, the National Bureau of Statistics said yesterday.
At current prices about 200m tonnes of seaborne iron ore is unprofitable, according to Melinda Moore, an analyst at Standard Bank. She expected a further 100m tonnes to hit the market next year, overwhelming expected Chinese demand growth of 30m tonnes. “It’s a game of chicken now about who is going to turn off first,” she said.
标准银行(Standard Bank)分析师梅林达•摩尔(Melinda Moore)表示,按目前价格,大约2亿吨的海运铁矿石无利可图。她预计,明年还将有1亿吨新增供应投放市场,远远超过3000万吨的中国需求增长预测。“现在这成了一场博弈游戏,看谁最先撑不下去,”她说。
In the past couple of weeks, analysts have been cutting their price targets for iron ore. The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group forecasts an average price of $78 a tonne for 2015, while Citi is forecasting $65 and said prices could briefly dip to $50.
近两周来,分析师们削减了铁矿石目标价格。澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团(Australia and New Zealand Banking Group)预测2015年平均价格为每吨78美元,而花旗(Citi)预测均价为65美元,并称价格可能短暂跌至50美元。
Rio Tinto’s share price has dropped 4.7 per cent this month in London, while fellow miner BHP Billiton has declined 0.89 per cent.
力拓(Rio Tinto)股价本月在伦敦下跌4.7%,而同为矿商的必和必拓(BHP Billiton)股价下跌0.89%。
Vale of Brazil has sunk 14.8 per cent.
巴西淡水河谷(Vale of Brazil)股价下滑14.8%。
Low prices are testing China’s domestic iron ore miners, which are likely to close in the next six to 12 months, according to ANZ.