Global pharmaceutical spending will surpassthe trillion dollar threshold in 2014, with high prices for innovativehepatitis C and cancer drugs in the US, a new study says. By 2018spending is expected to increase by another 30 percent.

With an increase of 7 percent over 2013,total spending on medicines will amount to $1.06trillion in 2014, says the report"The Global Use of Medicines: Outlook through2018" from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, releasedThursday.
In the next few years, by 2018, theincrease to $1.3 trillion will be due to about $100 billion on hepatitis Cdrugs, the same sums spent on cancer treatment, and $78 billion on diabetescare.

The 30 percent increase is to be driven bymore specialty drug innovation, greater patient access to medicines and reducedimpact from patent expiry dates.
The American share in the total drugspending is about one third. IMS experts estimate that in 2014 it will rise11.7 percent. The UShas particularly high prices, according to the report, but drug makers defendthis by citing the soaring cost of new medicine development.
Spending on medicines in "pharmergingmarkets" will rise more than 50 percent over the next five years, ThePharma Letter said, citing IMS.
新闻网站PharmaLetter 援引艾美仕医疗信息研究所的话报道,“医药新兴市场”在医药方面的支出费用将在未来5年上升百分之五十以上。
With its goal of universal healthcaresystem coverage by 2020, Chinais expected to transform the medicine market, becoming the second largest afterthe US.In the next five years, Chinaexpects per capita spending to grow by 70 percent.