For Singapore’s SGX exchange, this month’s launch of a trading link between the Hong Kong and Shanghai equity markets has loomed large, as investors look ever more anxiously at the rise of China’s capital markets.
But far from being unnerved, Magnus Böcker, SGX chief executive, believes the landmark link will actually help his business in the long run.
但新交所首席执行官薄满乐(Magnus Böcker)非但没有感到惊慌,反而相信香港和上海之间具有里程碑意义的股市链接,从长期看实际上有利于新交所的业务。

“It’s important for all of us in the exchange world that it becomes a success because it shows the importance of connectivity – and that liquidity feeds liquidity,” he says.
One ripple effect from the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme has already been felt in Singapore: trading volume in SGX’s FTSE China A50 index – the only index on Chinese shares available outside China – more than doubled in the quarter ahead of the link’s launch.
沪港通机制的一个涟漪效应已经可以在新加坡感受到:新交所富时中国A50指数(FTSE China A50 index)——中国境外推出的唯一中国股指——的交易量在沪港通启动前的那个季度增加一倍多。
Now, Mr Böcker is working on an Asian link of his own: in September he began talks with the Taiwan stock exchange about connecting markets.
现在,薄满乐正致力于打造自己的亚洲链接:9月,他开始与台湾证券交易所(Taiwan stock exchange)洽谈互连市场。
He says that, with Singapore and Taiwan developing rapidly as offshore centres for China’s renminbi, a link with Taiwan opens up “greater China” opportunities for investors.
This, he hopes, will help counteract a torrid year for the equity markets run by SGX. A penny stock scandal a year ago dented investor confidence, and Singapore’s markets have suffered anaemic volumes since. A three-hour trading outage this month has not helped.
Singapore has also been hit by de-listings of sizeable mid-cap stocks, as companies have chosen to take businesses private – including CapitaLand, southeast Asia’s biggest property developer, which this summer delisted its shopping mall operating unit, CapitaMalls Asia.
新加坡也受到规模可观的中盘股退市的打击。一些企业选择将业务收归私有,包括东南亚最大房地产开发商凯德集团(CapitaLand),该公司今年夏天将旗下购物中心经营公司凯德商用(CapitaMalls Asia)摘牌。
Despite this, SGX remains the eighth-largest exchange globally, as measured by the market capitalisation of its operating company as a listed entity – just behind Japan Exchange Group and ahead of ASX of Australia. However, it was overtaken by Thailand’s stock exchange last year in terms of equity market trading volume.
尽管如此,新交所仍是全球第八大交易所(按照其经营公司作为上市实体的市值来衡量),刚刚落后于日本交易所集团(Japan Exchange Group),领先于澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)。不过,就股市交易量而言,新交所去年被泰国证交所超过。
In the fiscal first quarter that ended on September 31, revenue generated from equity market trading at SGX fell 29 per cent, as a result of a 27 per cent fall in average daily trading volume.
Mr Böcker has moved to address this by signing up 21 banks and brokers to act as so-called liquidity providers and market makers, to encourage trading.
Liquidity providers receive a discount on the fees that SGX charges if they commit to trading a certain amount of shares in value terms, while market makers provide quotes at narrow bid-offer spreads on designated stocks.
“Yes, volume is down, but the quality of the market – the spreads and depth of the market – has actually been enhanced following the introduction of these two programmes,” Mr Böcker says. “And we are only four months in.”
Average daily trading volume in shares covered by these programmes – including ThaiBev– jumped 129 per cent from June 1-October 31, compared with an overall market rise of 6 per cent.
In addition, from January, SGX plans to cut the “board lot size” – the number of shares investors must deal in – from 1,000 to 100, to make it easier to buy blue-chips. Then, in March, it aims to introduce a “minimum trading price” of 20 cents, to discourage “excessive speculation” in low-priced penny stocks.
Mr Böcker also hopes to attract more international companies with a new system, introduced this month, that allows those listed on one of 22 bourses overseas – including London – to gain a secondary listing in Singapore more easily.
He can already take satisfaction from the strength of the derivatives business. It is closing in on equities trading as the largest source of income, accounting for 30 per cent of group revenues, against 33 per cent from equities.
One reason is the success of certain futures contracts tied to China – such as iron ore swaps, which are widely used by Chinese traders, many based in Singapore – and of renminbi currency swaps, which were launched last month.
But all eyes will be on how SGX fares early next year when, for the first time, it faces competitors in its back yard.
Intercontinental Exchange, owner of NYSE, plans to launch a new commodities exchange in March, while Deutsche Börse is building an Asian clearing house. Both will be in Singapore.
纽约证券交易所(NYSE)的东家洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)计划在3月推出一个新的大宗商品交易所,而德意志交易所(Deutsche Börse)正在建设一个亚洲清算中心。这两者都将设在新加坡。
Mr Böcker views rival offerings as an indicator of growth. “I think that [them] coming to Singapore is very important for the success of SGX because it once again proves Singapore as an international financial centre,” he says. “There is nothing that grows a business faster than more players being in it.”