For the Travel section’s Oct. 19 issue on Europe, writers and editors selected special items to profile from a dozen cities. Below, explore everything from chocolate in Brussels to silk in Florence to design in Copenhagen.

Berlin: Street Art
Despite relentless hypergentrification, Berlin remains a bastion of street art. Elaborate murals still decorate firewalls; images by sprayers and stencilers pop up everywhere else. But how can the visiting aficionado take street art home? The answer is easy, if counterintuitive: get off the streets. The number of galleries selling urban art keeps growing: Neurotitan, a sprawling space in a scruffy complex in the central district of Berlin-Mitte, has shown urban art since 1996; newer on the scene is Urban Spree, a high-energy gallery in a postindustrial complex near the Spree River, which also hosts art events. So does Open Walls Gallery in Stattbad Wedding, a defunct swimming pool repurposed as a nightclub and cultural center in the blue-collar district of Wedding.
尽管无情的阶层分化仍在进行,柏林依然是街头艺术的堡垒。壁炉边的墙上挂着精美的壁画,城市里喷笔画和版画比比皆是。但是,热爱艺术的游客怎样才能把街头艺术品带回家呢?答案很简单,只是略有些反直觉——离开街头。出售都市艺术品的画廊越来越多了,比如神经巨人(Neurotitan)画廊,这家宽敞的店铺位于柏林米特中心区一片蓬乱的小区内,从1996年起就开始展览都市艺术品。想看更前卫的景观,就去都市狂欢(Urban Spree)画廊,这个高能量艺术馆位于斯普利河附近一座后工业时代的街区,平时这里也承办艺术盛典。在蓝领聚居的威丁区,斯塔巴德的开放墙壁艺术馆(Open Walls Gallery)也有同样的功能,这座夜总会兼文化中心是由废弃的游泳池改建而成的。
“I wanted to do something that fits the city’s cultures and subcultures,” said the Paris native Guillaume Trotin, who founded Open Walls with Elodie Bellanger, in 2012, after running pop-up art projects in Miami, Paris and other cities. Mr. Trotin now exhibits urban artists like Alias and Vermibus in a sleek indoor space.
“那时我想做些事,来映衬这座城市的文化与亚文化。”生长于巴黎的纪尧姆·特洛丁(Guillaume Trotin)说。2012年,他与艾洛蒂·白朗格(Elodie Bellanger)联袂建起了开放墙壁艺术馆,之前也曾在迈阿密、巴黎和其他城市运营过流行艺术项目。而今,特洛丁先生在美丽的馆内举办都市艺术家作品展,比如《化名与终点》(Alias and Vermibus)主题展。

Treasure hunters can also go straight to the source — the artists themselves. Jim Avignon’s panels on the Berlin Wall’s East Side Gallery are legendary, but he also paints eye-popping graphic works in his Kreuzberg studio, sometimes selling them in person or on his website, (an exuberant solo show is on view at Neurotitan until Oct. 25). Packed with cartoonish characters and clever visual commentaries on Berlin’s gentrification, his acrylic-on-paper panels are affordable (starting at about 100 euros).
寻宝人也可以直接追溯艺术的源头——艺术家本人。柏林墙东侧画廊上吉姆·艾维格农(Jim Avignon)的镶嵌装饰画堪称传奇,但他也在自己位于柏林十字山区的工作室内创造那些让人惊艳的绘画作品,有时候亲自出售画作,在网站jimavignon.com上也可以买到。(10月25日前,神经巨人画廊举办了一场蔚然大观的吉姆·艾格维农个人艺术展)他的丙烯镶嵌画将卡通人物与慧黠的视觉评论融为一体,展现了柏林都市阶层分化的社会风情。这些作品售价100欧元起。
Working in a former metal fixtures factory, the duo who call themselves 44Flavours create geometric wall pieces, murals and sculptures incorporating found materials. “We’re interested in anything that tells stories, so we go outside and collect stuff,” said Julio Rölle, who collaborates with his business partner, Sebastian Bagge, on not only art but also designs for shirts and snowboards.
朱力欧·罗莱(Julio Rölle)与塞巴斯蒂安·贝格(Sebastian Bagge)这对双人搭档自称44道风味,在一座由金属装置厂厂房改建而成的工作室里,创造几何图形墙拼作品、壁画以及用能够找到的一切材料做成的雕塑。“我们对一切有故事的东西都感兴趣,所以出去收集各种材料。”朱力欧说,他与生意伙伴的合作不仅在艺术领域,还涉足了T恤及滑雪板设计。
Arguably the most polished urban art can be found at Circle Culture, which has grown into a multivenue enterprise. The newest, largest space opened on Potsdamer Strasse, Berlin’s main gallery strip, last November. Showing artists like the Brooklyn-based muralist Maya Hayuk or XOOOOX (whose haunting stencil figures still lurk on Berlin streets), the owner Johann Haehling von Lanzenauer sees the lines between artistic subdefinitions blurring. “The term ‘street art’ is done, over,” said Mr. von Lanzenauer, pointing at Stefan Strumbel’s neon-kitsch cuckoo clocks and prints on the gallery’s walls. “I call this contemporary art. Street is just a medium.” KIMBERLY BRADLEY
可以说,最鲜亮的都市艺术品都可以在圆圈文化(Circle Culture)艺术馆看到,这家企业已经成长壮大,开了多家分馆,其中最新最大的一家于去年11月开业,地址在柏林的重要艺术地段波茨坦大街。馆中展出的杰作包括来自布鲁克林的壁画家玛雅·海雅克(Maya Hayuk)和XOOOOK(他的版画在柏林的街道上随处可见)的作品。店主约翰·海灵·冯·兰泽诺尔(Johann Haehling von Lanzenauer)认为各种艺术之间的界限正日益模糊。“‘街头艺术’这个词该消亡了。”冯·兰泽诺尔先生指着画廊墙上斯蒂芬·施特鲁贝尔(Stefan Strumbel)的新刻奇布谷鸟钟表和印刷作品说道。“我把这些东西叫做当代艺术。街头就是博物馆。”金伯利·布拉德利(KIMBERLY BRADLEY)供稿。