v. 挣扎,踌躇,笨拙而错乱地说或做 n. 挣扎,错乱的
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The man paused to chew a little gum. Then he clapped Arthur on the back. | 那人不说话了,嚼了嚼口香糖。然后他拍拍阿瑟的背。 |
OK, he said, all right. I’m just telling you, right? Good night, good luck, win awards. | “OK,”他说,“好吧。我告诉你了哦?晚安,祝好运,祝得奖。” |
What? said Arthur, who was beginning to flounder seriously at this point. | “什么?”阿瑟一听,觉得应该重视。 |
Whatever. Do what you do. Do it well. He made a sort of clucking noise with whatever he was chewing and then some vaguely dynamic gesture. | “随便啦。干你的事吧。好好干。”他用嘴里嚼的东西发出咯咯的声音,又摆了几个夸张的造型。 |
Why? said Arthur. | “为什么?”阿瑟问道。 |
Do it badly, said the man, who cares? Who gives a shit? The blood suddenly seemed to pump angrily into the man’s face and he started to shout. | “坏坏干。”那人说道,“管他呢?谁他妈在乎呢?”那人突然大喊起来,面部骤然充血。 |
Why not go mad? he said. Go away, get off my back will you, guy. Just zark off!!! | “疯了又怎么样?”他说道,“走开,给我消失,小子。赞掉吧你!” |
OK, I’m going, said Arthur hurriedly. | “OK,我走。”阿瑟立刻回答。 |
It’s been real. The man gave a sharp wave and disappeared off into the throng. | “真的呢。”那人轻轻地挥挥手,便消失在人海中。 |
What was that about? said Arthur to a girl he found standing beside him. Why did he tell me to win awards? | “怎么回事啊?”阿瑟对他身后一个女孩问道,“为什么他叫我得奖?” |
Just showbiz talk, shrugged the girl. He’s just won an award at the Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions Institute Awards Ceremony, and was hoping to be able to pass it off lightly, only you didn’t mention it, so he couldn’t. | “说着玩罢了。”女孩耸耸肩,“他刚在小熊星座α星娱乐幻象年度颁奖典礼上获奖,所以总想表示一下不在乎。可你压根没提,所以他没法表示了。” |
Oh, said Arthur, oh, well I’m sorry I didn’t. What was it for? | “噢,”阿瑟说,“噢,真不好意思。他获的什么奖?” |
The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word “Fuck” In A Serious Screenplay. It’s very prestigious. | “在连续剧剧本中‘操’这个单词最无缘无故的用法奖。很高的荣誉呢。” |
I see, said Arthur, yes, and what do you get for that? | “明白了。”阿瑟说,“哦,那奖品是什么呢?” |
A Rory. It’s just a small silver thing set on a large black base. What did you say? | “一个若利杯。就是黑色底座上一个小小的银色东西。你说什么?” |
I didn’t say anything. I was just about to ask what the silver… | “我没说什么。我是想问那个银色东西……” |
Oh, I thought you said “wop”. | “噢,你说‘喔’。” |
Said what? | “说什么?” |
Wop. | “喔。” |
The man paused to chew a little gum. Then he clapped Arthur on the back.
OK, he said, all right. I’m just telling you, right? Good night, good luck, win awards.
What? said Arthur, who was beginning to flounder seriously at this point.
Whatever. Do what you do. Do it well. He made a sort of clucking noise with whatever he was chewing and then some vaguely dynamic gesture.
Why? said Arthur.
Do it badly, said the man, who cares? Who gives a shit? The blood suddenly seemed to pump angrily into the man’s face and he started to shout.
Why not go mad? he said. Go away, get off my back will you, guy. Just zark off!!!
OK, I’m going, said Arthur hurriedly.
It’s been real. The man gave a sharp wave and disappeared off into the throng.
What was that about? said Arthur to a girl he found standing beside him. Why did he tell me to win awards?
Just showbiz talk, shrugged the girl. He’s just won an award at the Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions Institute Awards Ceremony, and was hoping to be able to pass it off lightly, only you didn’t mention it, so he couldn’t.
Oh, said Arthur, oh, well I’m sorry I didn’t. What was it for?
The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word “Fuck” In A Serious Screenplay. It’s very prestigious.
I see, said Arthur, yes, and what do you get for that?
A Rory. It’s just a small silver thing set on a large black base. What did you say?
I didn’t say anything. I was just about to ask what the silver…
Oh, I thought you said “wop”.
Said what?
OK, he said, all right. I’m just telling you, right? Good night, good luck, win awards.
What? said Arthur, who was beginning to flounder seriously at this point.
Whatever. Do what you do. Do it well. He made a sort of clucking noise with whatever he was chewing and then some vaguely dynamic gesture.
Why? said Arthur.
Do it badly, said the man, who cares? Who gives a shit? The blood suddenly seemed to pump angrily into the man’s face and he started to shout.
Why not go mad? he said. Go away, get off my back will you, guy. Just zark off!!!
OK, I’m going, said Arthur hurriedly.
It’s been real. The man gave a sharp wave and disappeared off into the throng.
What was that about? said Arthur to a girl he found standing beside him. Why did he tell me to win awards?
Just showbiz talk, shrugged the girl. He’s just won an award at the Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions Institute Awards Ceremony, and was hoping to be able to pass it off lightly, only you didn’t mention it, so he couldn’t.
Oh, said Arthur, oh, well I’m sorry I didn’t. What was it for?
The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word “Fuck” In A Serious Screenplay. It’s very prestigious.
I see, said Arthur, yes, and what do you get for that?
A Rory. It’s just a small silver thing set on a large black base. What did you say?
I didn’t say anything. I was just about to ask what the silver…
Oh, I thought you said “wop”.
Said what?

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