Companies should not need to be persuaded to give women equal treatment. Talent no more discriminates between the genders than it does with respect to race or creed. Any employer that did so would hobble its ability to hire the best candidate. This is not just bad business but an unfair denial of opportunity.

In a rational world half of senior jobs would go to women. Britain remains a long way from this. Women occupy only a fifth of positions at the level of managing director in the City. It is not just a problem of the financial sector: only 18 per cent of women become a partner in a law firm, less than a third a senior medical consultant and a tenth a university professor.
Opposing discrimination is not the same as pronouncing everyone the same. But this argues for more not less equal treatment. A prominent report on the subject argued that “women bring different perspectives and voices to the table, to the debate and to the decisions”. Studies confirm that diversity is associated with better financial returns. Companies dominated by men suffer a disadvantage, given that half of their customers and staff may be female. They also risk perpetuating a cycle in which an overly male workplace deters women from applying.
Governments recognise the problem but do not agree on what to do about it. On one side are those that believe in statutory quotas for women on company boards. Norway introduced a 40 per cent target in 2003, and has almost reached it. Germany recently overcame business opposition in legislating for a 30 per cent quota on supervisory boards. The Swiss may go further, insisting that such a target applies to all senior management roles.
The case against quotas is that they are both unfair and ineffective. All jobs should be determined on merit — the task should be to get women into the interview room. A study of Norway found that improvements at the top had not spread elsewhere. Throughout Europe, the proportion of women in senior executive positions still lags far behind those on boards. Quotas could even prove counterproductive if they create the perception of tokenism, which casts a cloud of suspicion on everyone who earned their promotion, particularly senior women.
The UK government dislikes statutory quotas and has instead set a broad target of 25 per cent female representation on company boards. The bully pulpit may have helped; last year, under pressure from Vince Cable, the business secretary, mining company Glencore became the last company to appoint a female director.
英国政府对设置强制比例的想法不太热衷,转而设置了一个宽泛的目标——企业董事会中女性占25%。政府的强力说教或许有所帮助。去年,迫于来自英国商务大臣文斯•凯布尔(Vince Cable)的压力,富时100(FTSE 100)成分股公司中最后一家没有女性董事的公司、矿商嘉能可(Glencore)也任命了一名女性董事。
Further progress requires a larger pipeline of women ascending the executive ranks. Until the age of 30 women tend to keep pace with men. The gap opens with the arrival of family life. Even though social norms are changing, women are still more likely to seek flexibility at work and their careers too often falter. Companies have been too slow to take advantage of technological advances that enable flexible work. This needs to change. Another idea, pioneered by banks, is to scour lists of female alumni on a career break in order to entice them back into senior roles.
Social change can be glacially slow. It is barely 40 years since British female civil servants had to retire upon marriage. Proper equality may be achieved only once men become fully comfortable taking on the role of primary carer. In the meantime, it is up to corporate Britain to give the process a kick-start by making this a natural, convenient option. Firms that preach about people being their greatest asset should start seeing a crèche as an investment, not a perk.