The world is awash with more debt than before the global financial crisis erupted in 2007, with China’s debt relative to its economic size now exceeding US levels, according to a report.
Global debt has increased by $57tn since 2007 to almost $200tn — far outpacing economic growth, calculates McKinsey & Co, the consultancy. As a share of gross domestic product, debt has risen from 270 per cent to 286 per cent.
根据咨询机构麦肯锡(McKinsey & Co)的计算结果,自2007年至今,全球债务已从57万亿美元增至近200万亿美元,增速远超经济增速。债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比已从270%增至286%。
McKinsey’s survey of debt across 47 countries — illustrated in an FT interactive graphic — highlights how hopes that the turmoil of the past eight years would spur widespread “deleveraging” to safer levels of indebtedness were misplaced. The report calls for “fresh approaches” to preventing future debt crises.
“Overall debt relative to gross domestic product is now higher in most nations than it was before the crisis,” McKinsey reports. “Higher levels of debt pose questions about financial stability.”
Overall, almost half of the increase in global debt since 2007 was in developing economies, but a third was the result of higher government debt levels in advanced economies. Households have also increased debt levels across economies — the most notable exceptions being crisis hit countries such as Ireland and the US.
“There are few indications that the current trajectory of rising leverage will change,” the report says. “This calls into question basic assumptions about debt and deleveraging and the adequacy of tools available to manage debt and avoid future crises.”
Countries that McKinsey warns face “potential vulnerabilities” because of high household debt include the Netherlands, South Korea, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Malalysia and Thailand. “It is like a balloon. If you squeeze debt in one place, it pops up somewhere else in the system,” says Richard Dobbs, one of the report’s authors.
麦肯锡指出,因家庭债务过高而面临“潜在脆弱性”的国家包括:荷兰、韩国、加拿大、瑞典、澳大利亚、马来西亚和泰国。报告作者之一理查德•多布斯(Richard Dobbs)表示:“这就好像气球一样。如果你挤一个地方的债务,它会在系统内另外某个地方冒出来。”
One “bright spot,” McKinsey says, is evidence of deleveraging by banks. Financial sector debt relative to GDP has declined in the US and a few other crisis hit countries, and stabilised in other advanced economies.
China’s total debt, including the financial sector, has nearly quadrupled since 2007 to the equivalent of 282 per cent of GDP. That was higher than in the US –— although China is lower if financial sector debt is excluded to avoid double counting. McKinsey warns of risks in China’s property sector, local government financing and a rapidly expanding “shadow” banking system.
The country’s overall debt “appears manageable”, McKinsey says, but its indebtedness would restrict its ability to compensate for slower long-term growth in advanced economies.
“Before the [post-2007] crisis there was one area where debt was very low and stable, and that was China,” says Luigi Buttiglione, head of global strategy at hedge fund Brevan Howard and co-author of a report in September on global indebtedness. “When there was a crisis in the west, China could lever up. Now that is not the case.”
“在(2007年后)那场危机爆发前,有一个地方的债务水平极低并且非常稳定,那就是中国。”对冲基金“布勒旺霍华德”(Brevan Howard)全球策略主管、去年9月一份关于全球债务情况的报告作者之一路易吉•布蒂廖内(Luigi Buttiglione)表示,“过去,当西方爆发危机时,中国可以加大杠杆率(作为补偿)。如今情况不再如此。”
The report is likely to fuel debates among economists about what is an appropriate level of debt in an economy. McKinsey argues much of the expansion in developing countries has reflected the healthy development of financial markets, but in advanced economies high debt could constrain growth and create fresh financial vulnerabilities.