Wall Street employment increased last year for the first time since 2011 and New York’s traders and bankers enjoyed a modest increase in their bonuses, according to official state numbers.
Figures from the New York comptroller’s office showed the average bonus paid rose 2 per cent to $172,860 in 2014 even though the industry was 4.5 per cent less profitable than a year earlier.

“The resumption of job growth in the securities industry bodes well for New York’s economy,” said Thomas DiNapoli, New York state comptroller, “but it remains to be seen whether this trend will be sustained.”
“证券业就业回暖对于纽约经济是个好兆头,”纽约州审计长托马斯•狄纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)说。“但这种趋势能否持续下去仍尚未可知。”
The industry added 2,300 jobs in 2014 to 167,800. Mr DiNapoli said the uptick, which came “towards the end of 2014”, was dwarfed by job losses in the seven years since the financial crisis.
The demise of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns and the cost-cutting at surviving brokerages has hollowed out the industry, with 28,000 jobs lost during the crisis and more reductions in staff numbers during 2011 and 2012.
雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)的破产以及幸存下来的券商的成本削减举措,令美国证券业遭受重创,在危机期间裁员2.8万人,2011年和2012年采取了更多的裁员举措。
At the same time, other businesses have picked up the slack, helping New York City in particular enjoy a buoyant labour market.
The annual bonus numbers lag behind what bankers and traders actually received in bonuses because they do not measure deferred stock awards, only cash and stock awarded from previous years but paid out — and taxed — in 2014.
On this measure, the total bonus pool for 2014 was $28.5bn, its highest level since 2007 and 3 per cent higher than in 2013. The uptick in employment meant it was shared by more people and the average rose 2 per cent to $172,860.
“The cost of legal settlements related to the 2008 financial crisis continues to be a drag on Wall Street profits, but the securities industry remains profitable and well-compensated even as it adjusts to regulatory changes,” Mr DiNapoli said.