PARIS — France, which often seems to have style and elegance written into its genetic code, is again confronting one of the dark sides of fashion: the glamorization of too-thin women.
The French Parliament is debating legislation that would effectively set minimum weights for women and girls to work as models, a step that supporters of the bill say is necessary to combat the persistence of anorexia.
If it becomes law — it is backed by President François Hollande’s Socialist government — modeling agencies and fashion houses that employ models whose body mass index measurements do not meet minimum standards would face criminal penalties.
倘若它能成为法律——法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Francois Hollande)所属的社会党政府对其表示支持,模特经纪和时尚公司就不能聘用体重指数不符合最低标准的模特,否则将面临刑事处罚。
Israel already bans the use of underweight and underage models, while other countries, including Italy and Spain, have weighed legislation similar to the one under consideration in France but for now continue to rely on voluntary pacts with the fashion industry.
If France approves the legislation, it would almost certainly raise the debate to a new level, especially in Paris, the spiritual capital of the fashion world. An effort to pass similar provisions in 2008 failed after heavy criticism from the fashion industry.
“We can’t resolve it with a law but we can begin a public health policy to prevent and protect and limit the number of those suffering from anorexia,” said Olivier Véran, a neurologist and a member of the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament.
神经学家、法国下议院国民议会(National Assembly)议员奥利维耶·韦朗(Olivier Véran)说,“法律解决不了这个问题,但我们可以推出一项公共健康政策来预防厌食症,为这些人提供保护,并限制厌食症患者的人数。”
He is the author of the anti-anorexia provision, which is part of a comprehensive health law being debated in the National Assembly. He estimated that 30,000 to 40,000 people in France suffer from anorexia.
The proposed legislation would use as its base internationally accepted body mass index standards to determine whether a model was too thin and would set criminal penalties for hiring models who fell below the standards determined by the law. The index suggests that a woman who is 5 feet 7 inches tall should weigh at least 120 pounds. But the final legal standards would be determined by the French health authorities, who could adjust them for factors such as bone size.
Violators would have to pay a fine of about $83,000 and serve as many as six months in prison.
The struggle over the appearance and health of fashion models is hardly a new one. It became more public in 2006 after the deaths of two models, a Brazilian and a Uruguayan, which set off a spate of voluntary standards in the industry and the effort in some places, including New York, to use healthier looking models.
The death in 2010 of a French model and actress, Isabelle Caro, who at one point weighed just 55 pounds, fueled further calls for steps to address anorexia.
2010年,法国模特兼演员伊莎贝尔·卡罗(Isabelle Caro)的去世进一步推动人们要求采取举措,解决厌食症问题。卡罗一度只有55磅重。
So far the fashion industry has opposed legislation to address the issue, although a number of designers have spoken out in favor of using “healthy models” and promoting healthful lifestyles.
There is no official database of models’ heights and weights, and with regulations against using underweight models on the rise, most models and agencies are close-mouthed about the subject. Many in the industry say, however, that a number of the top models would likely weigh less than the healthy threshold set by the body mass index of about 18 or 18.5.
Widely publicized figures for weights of models like Kate Moss at the height of her fashion career indicate she would have had a body mass index of 15 to 16, which was similar to that of Twiggy, a 1960s supermodel. More recent models, such as Naomi Campbell and Gisele Bündchen, are reported to have body mass indexes between 16 and 17. A body mass index of less than 18 does not necessarily mean that someone has an eating disorder.
有一些模特的体重数据被广泛宣传,比如数据显示,凯特·摩丝(Kate Moss)在事业高峰期的体质指数为15到16,水平与20世纪60年代的超模崔姬(Twiggy)差不多。在她之后的纳奥米·坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell)、吉赛尔·邦臣(Gisele Bündchen)等模特的体质指数在16到17之间。体质指数低于18并不一定意味着存在饮食紊乱问题。
The National Union of Modeling Agencies in France issued a statement saying it was complying with a voluntary charter that discourages the use of anorexic models and that was approved by the government in 2008. The statement also said that an appropriate minimum weight for models had yet to be determined.
法国全国模特经纪公司联盟(The National Union of Modeling Agencies)发表声明称,该联盟遵照一项自愿性规定,不会雇佣存在厌食症问题的模特,该规定于2008年获得政府批准。该声明还表示,模特的最低体重标准尚未确定。
“Anorexia is a mental illness that cannot be fought by a ‘arithmomania,’ ” the union’s statement said. It called on the fashion world to take a uniform approach internationally and deplored the use of “selectively repressive” measures, referring to those now under consideration.
Calls to 10 modeling agencies with offices in Paris found none willing to respond to questions on the issue.