All right, she said with a laugh, you can ask me. Might as well get it over with. Better than have you call me Fenny all the time.
Presumably… said Arthur.
We’ve only got two tickets left, you see, and since you were so generous when I spoke to you before…
What? snapped Arthur.
The woman with the perm and the smile and the now nearly empty book of cloakroom tickets was now waving the two last ones under his nose.
I thought I’d give the opportunity to you, because the prizes are so nice.
She wrinkled up he nose a little confidentially.
Very tasteful. I know you’ll like them. And it is for Anjie’s retirement present you see. We want to give her…
A kidney machine, yes, said Arthur. Here.
He held out two more ten pence pieces to her, and took the tickets.
A thought seemed to strike the woman. It struck her very slowly. You could watch it coming in like a long wave on a sandy beach.
Oh dear, she said, I’m not interrupting anything am I?
She peered anxiously at both of them.
No it’s fine, said Arthur. Everything that could possibly be fine, he insisted, is fine.
Thank you, he added.
I say, she said, in a delightful ecstasy of worry, you’re not… in love, are you?
It’s very hard to say, said Arthur. We haven’t had a chance to talk yet.
He glanced at Fenchurch. She was grinning.
The woman nodded with knowing confidentiality.
I’ll let you see the prizes in a minute, she said, and left.
Arthur turned, with a sigh, back to the girl that he found it hard to say whether he was in love with.
You were about to ask me, she said, a question.
Yes, said Arthur.
We can do it together if you like, said Fenchurch. Was I found…
…in a handbag… joined in Arthur.
…in the Left Luggage Office… they said together.
…at Fenchurch street station, they finished.
And the answer, said Fenchurch, is no.
Fine, said Arthur.
I was conceived there.
I was con…
n. 机会,时机