Above: A 1889 patent by Reuben Spalding to allow a person to fly via the aid of a balloon and bird-like wings. It is not known whether a full scale version was ever made (I wonder why?)
The imaginative designs, from the US Patent and Trademark office, show elaborate blueprints submitted between 1871 and 1933.
Above: One may think this to be an artist's impression for a Tim Burton-esque Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz but it is in fact the 1880 patent of a metal diving suit designed by Stephen M. Tasker. It was intended to withstand the pressure of diving underwater.
The patents cater for every strain of 20th century society, from a self-tipping hat for the discerning gent to a harness support for a greyhound-riding monkey
Above: Artwork of a harness and support designed by Renfro Rennie that allows a monkey to ride 'jockey style' on the back of a greyhound. Monkey jockeys were used for a brief period in America and Australia during the 1930s.
The pre-cautious inventors designed many death-cheating structures, including a fire-escape device which had a parachute attached to the head and rubber-soled shoes for smooth landings.