LONDON — One arm of the European Union is looking into whether Facebook and other tech companies unfairly favor their own services over those of rivals. At least five data protection watchdogs across the region are questioning Facebook’s privacy settings.
And in a case that could have broad implications for many tech companies, the region’s top court will issue a preliminary decision next month on whether Facebook can continue transferring user data between Europe and the United States.

Move over, Google. Facebook is the latest American tech giant that Europeans love to hate.
For decades, European policy makers have taken aim at America’s giant tech businesses, trying to force them to play by European rules. In the past, Microsoft and Intel were found guilty of abusing their dominant positions to shut out rivals. Google has most recently been under the microscope, and it now faces accusations that it unfairly promoted some of its search products over those of competitors.
In recent months, though, regulators’ gazes have turned to Facebook, raising questions about whether the social network has learned from the past mistakes of companies like Intel, Microsoft and Google when dealing with Europe’s policy makers and its legal system. And as Facebook runs into an increasing number of regulatory hurdles here, the scrutiny could potentially distract the company from its ambitions of becoming a one-stop shop for Internet messaging, online publishing and digital advertising.
“Platforms like Facebook have grown quickly to become global forces,” said Serafino Abate, a director at the Center on Regulation in Europe, a research organization in Brussels. “But with that size comes responsibility.”
“Facebook这样的平台已经迅速成长为全球性力量,”布鲁塞尔研究机构欧洲监管中心(Center on Regulation in Europe)的一名主管塞拉菲诺·阿巴特(Serafino Abate)说。“但是规模越大,责任也越大。”
The scrutiny is mounting as the company’s messaging and digital advertising services spread globally. More than 1.4 billion people now use Facebook, and hundreds of millions of people also rely on the company’s mobile messaging services, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, and its photo-sharing service, Instagram.
Facebook的即时通讯和数字广告服务在全球范围扩张的同时,它遭遇的监管也在不断加强。目前有超过14亿人使用Facebook,还有数亿人使用这家公司的移动即时通讯服务WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger,以及照片分享服务Instagram。
Facebook’s core business, its social networking service, is especially popular in Europe. The company has almost doubled its number of European users to the service, to around 260 million, since 2010. Facebook also has more users in Europe than in the United States, according to eMarketer, a research company.
Regulators in Europe, however, are especially focused on how the company collects and handles those users’ data. The region has some of the world’s toughest data protection rules, and policy makers from France, Germany and Belgium are investigating whether Facebook broke Europe’s laws after the company announced a new privacy policy this year.
If found to have breached the privacy rules, Facebook may face fines or demands that it change how the company handles people’s data, though the company says it complies with the region’s data protection laws.
“Obviously, there are privacy issues,” said Mathias Moulin, deputy director of enforcement at the French data protection regulator, who is overseeing the watchdog’s review of the company’s activities and who will meet other regulators at the end of May to discuss the investigations. “This is a global company. Facebook affects millions of people across Europe.”
“显然,Facebook存在隐私方面的问题,”法国数据保护监管机构的执法副主任马蒂亚斯·穆兰(Mathias Moulin)说。他正在负责这家机构对Facebook行为的审核,并将在5月底与其他监管机构的人员见面,讨论调查结果。“这是一家全球性的公司。Facebook影响着欧洲的上亿人。”
Taking a page from the playbooks of other American tech companies, Facebook has not stood idle as regulators steadily lined up against it.
The company has hired a number of prominent former lawmakers and regulators, including Erika Mann, a former German member of the European Parliament. This month, the company also chose Kevin Martin, a former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, to champion its cause in Washington, Brussels and beyond.
Facebook聘请了多位重量级的前任议员和监管者,包括曾在欧洲议会代表德国的议员埃丽卡·曼(Erika Mann)。本月,Facebook还挑选了美国联邦通讯委员会(Federal Communications Commission)前主席凯文·马丁(Kevin Martin)来为公司在华盛顿和布鲁塞尔等地方游说。
To get a sense of the European backlash against Facebook, you do not have to look much further than the experiences of Max Schrems, an Austrian law student who has led a vocal opposition to how the company collects and uses people’s data from around the world.
要想了解欧洲对Facebook的强烈不满,看看马克斯·施雷姆斯(Max Schrems)的经历就够了。施雷姆斯是奥地利的一名法学系学生,一直带头反对这家公司搜集和使用全世界用户数据的做法。
Mr. Schrems, 27, recently said his concern about online data traces back at least to 2011 and a college class in California. In the class, he said, employees of several West Coast tech companies expressed open disdain for Europe’s tough data protection rules, which enshrine a person’s right to privacy as a fundamental human right.
After returning to Europe, he began a lengthy campaign against the type of data that Facebook collected on its users, including information on their physical locations.
To rein in the company’s efforts, Mr. Schrems filed multiple complaints with the Irish data protection watchdog, which is responsible for policing Facebook’s activities in its international headquarters in Dublin. That led to a three-month audit of how Facebook collected data, and changes to the way the company obtained and used people’s online information.
Unhappy with how Ireland’s regulator managed his case, Mr. Schrems intensified his campaign.
He appealed to the country’s highest court, which referred the case to the European Court of Justice, the region’s top court. A preliminary decision is expected by the end of June on whether Facebook and other companies can continue transferring data between Europe and the United States.
他向爱尔兰的最高法院提出了上诉,后者将案子转交给了欧盟地区的最高法院——欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)。该院关于Facebook等公司能否继续在欧洲和美国之间传输用户数据的最初裁决,预计将于6月底做出。
Many American tech giants rely on moving online information between the regions to feed their business models, like personalized digital advertising. If the European court rules in favor of Mr. Schrems, those practices could be drastically curtailed.
Mr. Schrems also filed a separate Austrian class-action lawsuit against Facebook after collecting more than 75,000 online signatures. He said that the company had violated Europe’s privacy rules — accusations Facebook strongly denies — and that his side could receive up to $14 million if he wins the case. A decision is not expected until at least early 2016.
“This is about limiting what Facebook can do with Europeans’ data,” said Mr. Schrems, who remains active on the service despite his legal disputes. “How much should they be allowed to dig into the souls of their users? That’s what we’re fighting for.”
Big European companies are also pushing for stronger oversight of Facebook, including the region’s well-connected telecom industry.
After Facebook bought WhatsApp, the Internet messaging service, last year for $19 billion, many of Europe’s cellphone carriers lobbied hard for the region’s antitrust regulators to review the deal. Carriers say that by combining WhatsApp with Facebook’s own messaging service, the company has a virtual monopoly over how people send messages on their smartphones.
Europe’s antitrust authorities, however, eventually approved the takeover, and Facebook contends there are other Internet messaging services that compete with its offerings.
Yet lawmakers are now looking into whether Facebook’s messaging services should be regulated like those offered by traditional carriers. And industry executives say that as the social network starts to offer other services like phone calls through the company’s many smartphone applications, Facebook should play by the same rules that now apply to traditional mobile operators.
“We can’t forever be living in a world where we compete with one arm tied behind our backs and they don’t,” Pierre Louette, deputy chief executive at Orange, the former French telecom monopoly, said in reference to Facebook. “Our two worlds are colliding. Now that the worlds have met, we’re all competing for people’s attention.”
“在竞争中我们的一只手被绑在身后,而他们却不受束缚。我们不能永远生活在这样的世界里,”曾垄断了法国电信行业的Orange公司的副执行官皮埃尔·卢埃特(Pierre Louette)提到Facebook时说。“我们的两个世界正在发生碰撞。既然世界已经相遇,那我们就都在争夺人们的关注。”