I have worn glasses since early childhood. I often wished I didn’t have to. Sport was difficult before soft contact lenses arrived. As a rugby full back, I was a determined tackler, but a hapless spiller of the high ball.
The name-calling — “goggles”, “four-eyes”, “prof” — was annoying, but left no lasting scars. The sharp-tongued ripostes you develop are useful in all areas of life.

As a myope, I was part of a small club back then. That is not true of young people today. Of Europeans aged 25 to 29, some 47.2 per cent are shortsighted, according to a study in the Opthalmology journal.
Katie Williams of King’s College London, which led the study, says that in cities in east Asia, almost 80 per cent of young people are short-sighted.
主持这项研究的是伦敦国王学院(King's College London)的凯蒂•威廉斯(Katie Williams)。她表示,在东亚的城市中,几乎80%的年轻人都是近视。
The rise in myopia has been startling. In Europe, only 27.5 per cent of 50 to 59-year olds are short-sighted, which means the level has almost doubled in a generation.
There are marked differences within generations. The longer people remain in education, the more short-sighted they are. Among 45 to 49-year olds, 26.3 per cent of those who left school before 16 are short-sighted. Among those who have been through higher education, the level is 51.4 per cent.
Can we attribute these results to those who think they need glasses being more likely to have their eyes tested? King’s College London says not. The Opthalmology report was based on a series of studies that tested the eyes of a representative sample of people.
“While there is always some element of volunteer bias in studies, the studies were mainly looking at age-related eye diseases (and often not just eye diseases) so it is unlikely that short-sighted people self-selected to participate,” the college says.
Why are people becoming more short-sighted? The Opthalmology authors say myopia runs in families and is “highly heritable” but environmental factors play an important role too.
What those factors are is unclear. “Myopia has been associated with education, near work, urbanisation, prenatal factors, socio-economic status, cognitive ability, season of birth, light and time spent outdoors,” the researchers say.
The link between sight and higher education is also murky. It may be that further schooling means more reading and less time outside. It may be that there are “shared genetic factors underlying myopia and intelligence”.
What is clear is that the explosive rise in myopia will have long-term consequences. Having to wear glasses or contact lenses is just the start. As we get older, shortsighted people are more likely to suffer from retinal detachment, glaucoma and cataracts.
This may not be a brewing public health crisis on the scale of the obesity epidemic, but it is pretty serious. If firmer evidence emerges that all work and no play makes Jack a dull-sighted boy, parents and educationalists will have to examine changing the balance.
In the meantime, a problem for some means opportunity for others. The worldwide market for glasses and contact lenses is expected to grow from $81bn in 2011 to $130bn in 2018, says Transparency Market Research.
同时,一些人的问题也是另一些人的机会。据Transparency Market Research的数据,全球眼镜和隐形眼镜的市场规模预计将从2011年的810亿美元增长到2018年的1300亿美元。
That is not all because of short-sightedness. People also need reading glasses as they get older and the figure includes sunglasses.