LONDON —Jack Warner, the former FIFA vice president who was among 14 people indicted by the United States last week as part of an inquiry into corruption in world soccer, says he knows why the organization’s president, Sepp Blatter, announced plans to step down from soccer’s governing body.
伦敦——上周,因涉及世界足坛腐败调查而被美国起诉的十四人之一的前国际足联(FIFA)副主席杰克·沃纳(Jack Warner)说,他知道足联主席赛普·布拉特(Sepp Blatter)为什么宣布了从该足球管理机构辞职的计划。
“Blatter knows why he fell. And if anyone else knows, I do,” Mr. Warner said in his home country of Trinidad and Tobago on Wednesday, referring to Mr. Blatter’s decision this week to resign after 17 years at the helm of FIFA, soccer’s governing body. Mr. Warner, who said he feared for his own life, also said he had evidence linking FIFA to his country’s 2010 election.
Mr. Warner was once a close ally of Chuck Blazer, the former general secretary of Concacaf, the governing body that oversees soccer in North America, Central America and the Caribbean. Mr. Blazer has admitted taking bribes from bidders seeking to host the 1998 and 2010 World Cups and is now cooperating with the American authorities. On Wednesday, a judge in New York ordered the release of a redacted version of his plea hearing in 2013.
沃纳曾是前中北美和加勒比地区足联(Concacaf)秘书长查克·布莱泽(Chuck Blazer)的亲密盟友。布莱泽已经承认在1998年和2010年世界杯申办阶段收受申办方贿赂,目前他正在配合美国当局的调查。周三,纽约的一名法官下令公布经过删节的2013年布莱泽认罪听证会文件。
Mr. Warner’s sons, Daryan and Daryll, are also cooperating with the authorities, having secretly pleaded guilty in 2013 after they tried to deposit more than $600,000 in nearly two dozen United States bank accounts in an attempt to avoid detection.
During a rambling and sometimes incoherent seven-minute television address, called “The Gloves Are Off,” Mr. Warner invoked Gandhi and sought to cast himself as a victim. In his speech, a paid political advertisement, he said he had reams of documents, including copies of checks, linking Mr. Blatter and other senior FIFA officials to an effort to manipulate a 2010 election in Trinidad and Tobago.
He said he had delivered his files to “respectable persons” and lawyers, and he warned that he had an “avalanche” of additional evidence.
“I will no longer keep secrets for them who now seek to destroy the country which I love,” he said.
Mr. Warner’s television address came just four days after he vigorously defended himself in an online video, saying the charges against him were a conspiracy cooked up by the United States.
“All this has stemmed from the failed U.S. bid to host the World Cup,” he said of the indictments then.
“I could understand the U.S. embarrassment,” Mr. Warner continued, but it is important to “take your losses like a man.”
In the video, posted Sunday on his personal website, Facebook page and YouTube channel, he cited an article from The Onion that he said backed up his claims, apparently unaware that it was satire. He also told his supporters that he was innocent of the charges against him. “At the end of the day, all of the allegations against me shall be proven to be unfounded,” he said.
周日在他个人网站、Facebook和Youtube频道上传的视频中,他引用了一篇来自“洋葱”(The Onion)网站的文章佐证自己的观点,完全没有意识到该文章的嘲讽性质。他告诉其支持者,面对相关指控,他是清白的。“到最后,一切针对我的指控都会被证实是没有根据的,”他说。
It was not clear why FIFA would want to intervene in the country’s electoral process, and Mr. Warner did not immediately provide any evidence in the television address on Wednesday to support his claims.
“I apologize for not disclosing my knowledge of these events before,” Mr. Warner said, calling himself a “lone isolated soldier.” He said conditions in the jail where he was held briefly after his arrest last week had been “woeful.”
He said nothing would prevent him from revealing details of the scandal. “Not even death will stop the avalanche that is coming,” he told his supporters. “The die is cast. There can be no turning back. Let the chips fall where they fall.” Paraphrasing Gandhi, he said that throughout history, tyrants have fallen in the end.
Mr. Warner also said he felt threatened, saying, “I reasonably actually fear for my life.” Yet shortly after the speech was broadcast, he appeared at a rally for his Independent Liberal Party, and seemed resolute.
沃纳还说他感觉受到了威胁,“我事实上有理由为我的性命感到恐惧。”但在这个讲话播出之后不久,他就出现在他的独立自由党(Independent Liberal Party)的一个集会上,并且似乎很坚定。
Mr. Warner faces a raft of charges, including racketeering, bribery, wire fraud and money laundering, but he denies the accusations. In 2004, as FIFA’s executive committee was deliberating where to hold the 2010 World Cup, South Africa’s government arranged for what amounted to a $10 million bribe to Mr. Warner and others in exchange for their votes, prosecutors say.
According to the indictment, when FIFA was considering which country would host the 2006 World Cup, Mr. Warner sent a relative to a Paris hotel room to collect a briefcase filled with $10,000 in cash from a South African bid committee official.
South Africa has emphatically denied giving any bribes to ensure that it would host the tournament, but news reports on Thursday said the country’s organized-crime unit had opened a preliminary investigation into the bribery accusations.
The Australian police are also investigating corruption accusations in connection to the country’s bid for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, amid allegations that funds were misappropriated. The chairman of Football Federation Australia, Frank Lowy, published an open letter on Wednesday in which he cited an investigation by Concacaf showing that Mr. Warner had committed fraud and misappropriated the funds.
在资金被挪用的传闻声中,澳大利亚警方也在调查与该国申办2022年卡塔尔世界杯相关的腐败指控。澳大利亚足球联盟(Football Federation Australia)主席弗兰·克洛伊(Frank Lowy)在周三发表了一封公开信,在信中提及了Concacaf的一项调查,显示沃纳有欺诈行为,并挪用了资金。
Australian officials in recent days have been expressing their deep disappointment at losing the World Cup to Qatar, and some critics of the Qatari bid are hoping that it will lose the tournament, even as officials there insist that their bid was above reproach and that the tournament is not under threat. The sports minister of the Australian state of Victoria, John Eren, said his country could host the World Cup “tomorrow.”
澳大利亚官员近期一直在表示,他们对把世界杯主办权输给卡塔尔深感不满。卡塔尔官员则坚称,他们的申办工作无可指摘,该国的世界杯并未受到任何威胁。但针对卡塔尔申办工作的一些批评者希望它失去举办权。澳大利亚维多利亚州的体育部长约翰·艾伦(John Eren)说,他的国家“明天”就可以举办世界杯。
Elsewhere, the former England soccer captain David Beckham added his voice to those in European soccer who have grown weary of Mr. Blatter. “I hope at last we are now moving in the right direction,” he was quoted as saying by the BBC. “Some of the things that we now know happened were despicable, unacceptable and awful for the game we love so much.”
此外,前英格兰足球队队长大卫·贝克汉姆(David Beckham)也加入了批评布拉特的欧洲足球人士的行列。“我希望至少我们现在在朝正确的方向前进,”BBC引用了他的话称。“对于我们深爱的足球来说,我们现在了解到的过去的一些事情相当之卑劣、可怕,让人无法接受。”
Mr. Beckham, who rose to global stardom playing for Manchester United, was a central supporter of England’s unsuccessful bid to host the World Cup in 2018, which was awarded to Russia.