PARIS — It was Look 25 that stood out, and not for any of the intended reasons.
巴黎——Look 25品牌脱颖而出,但却不是故意安排的缘故。
It takes a lot to upstage snout-like helmets made of frizzed hair, but a German model known as Jera managed it on Thursday afternoon.
As he made his way down the runway in the Rick Owens show at the Palais de Tokyo here, he pulled a piece of white cloth from somewhere beneath his sea-foam-green top and oversize black shorts. And then, as he turned toward the editors and buyers in the front row, he unfurled a hand-lettered banner that read “Please Kill Angela Merkel — Not.”
他在里克•欧文斯(Rick Owens)东京舞厅的走秀上亮相,身穿海绿色上衣和宽大的黑色短裤,突然从衣服下面拿出一块白布。然后他转向第一排的主编和买手,展示白布上手写的大字:“请杀死安吉拉•默克尔——不。”
Social media immediately began to throb with the news, and articles about the protesting model proliferated immediately — though none seemed especially clear on what Jera’s message about Ms. Merkel, the German chancellor, was supposed to convey.
Mr. Owens, who in the past has referred to Jera as his muse, wasn’t sure, either, but made it plain that he was not aware of the model’s plans and did not in any way approve of his actions.
“This was an independent statement,” read a statement issued by his public relations firm shortly after the show, “and does not reflect the opinion of the house of Rick Owens.”
Speaking backstage to a reporter from Women’s Wear Daily, Mr. Owens put it more bluntly: “It’s a crazy, rogue model that I punched when he came back out,” he said, adding an unpublishable third descriptor. “Please say that I punched him.”
欧文斯在后台接受了《女装日报》(Women’s Wear Daily)记者的采访,他直率地说:“就是一个疯狂的模特在捣乱,他下来的时候我给了他一拳,”他还补了一句不太适合刊出的话。“你一定要写我打了他。”
Reached by phone Thursday night, Mr. Owens had grown more reflective.
Though he had initially been angry, he said, “Afterwards I thought, ‘I kind of created this.’ Maybe I’ve created an environment where provocation is endorsed or maybe even encouraged. Maybe he saw it as ‘In Rick’s world, anything goes.’ ”
In fact, Mr. Owens added, he had intended the show to be a comment on determination and the danger of such determination tipping into aggression, specifically male aggression. Jera’s gesture, and the designer’s response, ironically dovetailed with just that.
Mr. Owens is a fearless showman, and his shows have often bordered on performance art.
In 2013, he cast American collegiate step dancers to stomp their way through a widely heralded women’s show. Last season’s men’s show, in a gesture meant to question the idea of bodily shame, featured several models on the runway in outfits that exposed their genitals. Jera was one of these.
The model has worked with Mr. Owens for more than 10 years. He has appeared in many of the designer’s runway shows, and there are several pictures of him on the designer’s Tumblr, including one of Mr. Owens shaving his eyebrows. The earliest dates from 2004. As recently as a few months ago, Mr. Owens photographed Jera nude with a live horse for the magazine Neue Journal.
吉瑞为欧文斯工作已经有十几年,参加过许多欧文斯的走秀,欧文斯的Tumblr账号上也有一些他的照片,有一张是欧文斯帮他修眉毛。两人最早的合作可以追溯到2004年。几个月前,欧文斯还为《Neue Journal》杂志拍过吉瑞裸体骑马的照片,
Jera was discovered 12 years ago on the streets of Cologne, Germany, by Eva Gödel, the owner and founder of the Cologne-based modeling agency Tomorrow Is Another Day. But he is not on the main roster of the agency, working by special booking for only Mr. Owens, who counts him as something of a house favorite.
12年前,科隆模特经纪公司“明天又是新的一天”(Tomorrow Is Another Day)的老板兼创始人爱娃•哥德尔(Eva Gödel)在德国科隆的街头发现了吉瑞。但他并不是公司主要花名册上的成员,而是只接受欧文斯的特别聘请,欧文斯视他为品牌最青睐的模特。
“He’ll never work again,” said Ms. Gödel, speaking by phone Thursday afternoon. “He’s out of the agency. I’d never expect him to do something like that. No one expected it. I never thought he’d be so disrespectful.”
She declined to give Jera’s full name or make him available for comment, but added in a follow-up email: “I always said that I can not take any responsibility for Jera if they [would] like to book him, because he is crazy and unreliable. It was always a pain to get him to Rick’s bookings in time.”
Those who knew Jera from Mr. Owens’s studio recalled him as a loose cannon.
“In all honesty, I feel like it’s something that we’ve slightly expected from this particular character, or I have, anyway,” said Angus Munro, the co-founder of AM Casting, who is Mr. Owens’s casting director.
“诚实地说,我觉得我们其实有点期待这个特别的人物做出这种事来,起码我是这样,”“AM选角”(AM Casting)公司的联合创始人安格斯•芒罗(Angus Munro)说,他也负责为欧文斯挑选模特。
When Jera returned from the runway, Mr. Young and the backstage security guards told him he had to leave immediately, and he did not return for the finale.
“He is a kook,” Mr. Owens said, “and I love a kook.” But he also said that at the moment Jera unfurled the banner, he wondered whether “this is my Valerie Solanas” — referring to the crazed hanger-on who shot Andy Warhol.
“他是个怪人,”欧文斯说,“我喜欢怪人。”但他也说,吉瑞展开横幅那一刹那,他忍不住想“这该不会是我的瓦莱丽•索拉纳斯(Valerie Solanas)吧”——瓦莱丽•索拉纳斯就是那个枪击安迪•沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的食客。
And though Mr. Owens said that he and the model had “great warmth for each other,” Jera’s English is spotty and Mr. Owens’s German nonexistent. So even after more than a decade, Mr. Owens said, “our conversations have been pretty vague.”
But he did recall an odd moment from Jera’s fitting earlier this week. According to Mr. Owens, the model produced three cards and asked him to choose between them: “Kill Angela Merkel,” “Kill Angela Merkel — Not” and “Kill the Last Unicorn.”
“I thought it was just a little game, a wordplay thing he was doing for the moment,” Mr. Owens said. He chose “Kill the Last Unicorn”; his wife, Michele Lamy, chose none of them, saying, “I don’t like any killing at all.”
“我觉得这是个小游戏,是他一时兴起的文字游戏之类的,”欧文斯说。他选了“杀死最后一只独角兽”;他的妻子米歇尔•雷米(Michele Lamy)没选,说“我不想杀死任何东西。”
“I guess he figured I endorsed it from that,” Mr. Owens said. “I didn’t know it was going to come back to haunt me.”
After the model’s stunt, Mr. Owens said he would likely not work with Jera again.
Asked whether Jera would be barred from future shows, Mr. Munro said, “I think you would be safe to say that, yes.”