Work has been so busy lately. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, thinking that I could just grab something on my coffee break. But I don't even hsve time for a break. But I didn't even have time for a break and I worked right through until lunch. I was so hungry all morning I started to feel sick.

Then I only had time to run to the delidownstairs and buy a sandwhich, which I ate at my desk while I worked. I am trying to finish my part on a big project and I have to submit it by the end of the end of workday tomorrow. I will probably have to work late tonight. but that's okay because I could use the overtime pay.
I feel a lot of pressure at work this week. I love that they give me so much responsibility and I can't complain about my salaty or co-workers. It's a dream job,but I sometimes feel like it's too much. I don't want to be so stressed out about work. Maybe I just need some time off to relax. I think I need a vacation.
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