My mom's chicken soup cured my cold! Well, I'm not exactly cured, but I feel much better. I decided to stay home from work for one more day because I am still not 100% yet. Besides, I am enjoying spending all this time at home for a change.

I was just watching the most interesting show on the nature channel about sharks. It was both fascinating and freaky, I learned so much. Did you know that sharks have been around for over 150 million years? That's longer than the dinosaurs!
Did you know that sharks never run out of teeth? When they lose a tooth another one just comes in to replace it.
I also learned that some of the biggest sharks are not carnivores, so they don't attack like the really vivious ones, like Great White sharks or Hammerhead sharks.
I always worry a little bit about shark attacks when I am swimming in the ocean, but from this TV program I learned that it's not very commom at all. That should probably ease my mind, but I am still afraid if sharks.