'This dog looks like it pays taxes': Grumpy dog becomes the new grumpy cat after internet falls in love with images of sulky puppy Earl.
‘这只狗看起来像是在纳税': 网络上热恋上一只闷闷不乐的宠物狗Earl,它成为既不爽猫之后的另一位新宠“不爽狗”。
Earl, a second-generation puggle who lives in Iowa, became an internet sensation when his owner Derek Bloomfield posted pictures on Reddit.
宠物狗Earl 是一只生活在爱荷华州的第二代哈巴狗,因为其主人Derek Bloomfield 在Reddit 上传了爱狗图片而在网上走红。
Despite gloomy expression, Mr Bloomfield said his beloved pet is playful.Earl may bring some competition to 'Grumpy Cat' who has has reportedly amassed a $100million fortune.
主人Mr Bloomfield 说,Earl 不仅表情闷闷不乐,还特别好玩。Earl 将会和已获得 1亿美金的不爽猫展开竞争。

With his permanent scowl, googly eyes and glum expression, this may be the world's grumpiest dog. Earl the five-month-old dog became an interview sensation when his owners posted pictures of his gloomy face on Reddit.
这只狗总是皱眉怒视,闷闷不乐,他可能是世界上最不爽的狗了。当主人在网上发布其不爽的照片后,五个月的Earl 迅速走红。
It quickly gained more than two million views and attracted a series of internet memes, accompanied with jokes such as 'say fetch one more time' and 'this dog looks like it pays taxes'.
Despite his sullenness, his owner Derek Bloomfield said he was an energetic dog who enjoyed eating snacks, sunbathing and chasing balls around the park.
Earl is a second generation 'puggle' meaning both his parents were also crossbreeds. Mr Bloomfield, 25, from Iowa, who lives with girlfriend Christie, 30, said: 'He had the grumpy expression from day one. The vet said he's as healthy as any other puppy. He just looks grumpy because of his underbite, wrinkles, and dark complexion.
Earl 是第二代哈巴狗,也就是说它的父母都是杂交狗。25岁的Mr Bloomfield和他30岁的女朋友Christie 说到:“这条狗从第一天就有这个不爽的表情。兽医说它和别的宠物狗一样健康。它之所以看起来不爽是因为它反颌,皱纹和深色的肤色。
'He is the most relaxed, content puppy either one of us has ever seen. Whenever he wants something he'll calmly sit down and stare at us until we ask him the right question. Then he wags his tail in approval.
'He's constantly trying to snuggle up to one of us and has us in constant fits of laughter through his facial expressions and mannerisms. He's a daddy's boy and loves to pick on his momma.'
He added: 'People usually say "Oh my god, he is so cute" or "is he always that grumpy?" It's normally a combination of those two phrases and laughter. 'We were both surprised at how quickly he went viral.'
Mr Bloomfield 说:“人们经常说‘天呐,它太可爱了'或者‘它总是这样不开心吗?'通常就是这两句话和阵阵笑声。我们都非常惊讶它这么快走红。”