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5.Smurfette Was A Brunette Created By Gargamel

In the beginning, the Smurfs were all male—or, at the very least, genderless blue creatures. Then the evil sorcerer Gargamel created a female Smurf and sends her to the village to seduce and trick the Smurfs, as seen at 1:55 in the above video. They are not impressed, however, and she ends up repenting and crying—so Papa Smurf makes her blonde. After the transformation, they all fall in love with her and accept her as one of their own. Gentlemen prefer blondes, and apparently Smurfs do, too.


Although Smurfette was the only female Smurf in the village for a long time, facing no competition for male attention, later seasons included other female characters such as Sassette Smurf and Nanny Smurf. While some wonder how the Smurfs reproduced before the advent of females, the fact is that they can actually be magically created from blue clay.


4.Olive Oyl Was A Poor Single Mother



In 1936, Olive Oyl made a cameo appearance in the film Somewhere in Dreamland, which was produced by the same studio that created the Popeye cartoons. Starting at 2:02 in the above video, she appears as a single mother with two children living in poverty during the Great Depression. Although the character is just called "Mother" in the film, she uses the same traditional clothes of Olive Oyl, has the same physical appearance—thin body, no breasts, large feet—and is voiced by the same actress, Mae Questel.

Cameos by cartoon characters in different productions than their own series are not uncommon, either today or during the '30s. The Fleischer Studios even used Mickey in one of their shorts, portraying him as an evil mouse that locks Betty Boop's boyfriend inside a manhole and laughs in "Bimbo's Initiation."

3.One Woman Performed Tons Of Famous Voices



The actress we just mentioned, Mae Questel, was most famous for voicing Betty Boop, all the way from the early Fleischer Studio shorts in the '30s to her last appearance as Betty in 1988's Who Framed Roger Rabbit? However, she also voiced Olive Oyl in the Popeye cartoons during the '30s and Audrey in the "Little Audrey" series. She was also the voice behind Casper the Friendly Ghost in at least one episode and Felix the Cat in the three sound and color episodes produced during the '30s. Many of her appearances were uncredited.

Besides her work as the voice of famous cartoon characters, she had some memorable roles as on-camera actress. For instance, the woman born an Orthodox Jew with the surname Kwestel played the Jewish mother in Woody Allen's Oedipus Wrecks and Aunt Bethany in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

2.Felix The Cat Is A Misogynist



Speaking of Felix the Cat, he was the most popular cartoon character of the '20s. Despite all that success, however, he was not lucky with women—well, female cats. In the above video, 1925's "Felix Finds ‘Em Fickle," Felix's girlfriend rejects a flower that the hero kindly offers her. "If you love me, get me that one!" she says, pointing to a flower resting on the top of a mountain that reaches 40,000 feet. Felix climbs it, fights bears and vultures, and returns victoriously with the flower, but she is still unhappy. She calls him a "dumb-bell" and says, "I wanted the one next to it!" Felix understandably faints.

在上个世纪二十年代的时候,菲力猫是最受欢迎的卡通角色。然而这个事业上的巨人在母猫面前却不尽如意。在1925年的"Felix Finds ‘Em"中,菲力的女朋友拒绝了这个英雄深情地献花。"如果你爱我,就把那一朵给我!"她指着远处山顶上的一朵花说,那座山足有40000英尺高!菲力爬了上去,途中还与熊与秃鹰进行了激烈的战斗,然而当他带着花凯旋归来的时候,她不开心地叫他傻子,并说:"我要的是旁边的那一朵!"菲力就地晕倒。
In "Comicalamities" three years later, Felix's love interest has an ugly face, so with a little help from the cartoonist, he re-draws it. To demonstrate her gratitude, she asks for jewels. He gets her a pearl necklace and a fur coat, but she still wants more gifts and won't put out, so—filled with rage—he just rips her out from the cartoon.In 1922's "Felix Turns the Tide," his girlfriend is excited to see him go to war, and promises to marry him when he comes back. When he returns, however, he finds that she has married his rival, and that they had dozens of kittens together. This time, perhaps getting used to it, Felix is not hurt, and he even laughs: "Gosh, I had a narrow escape!" The timeless transformation from hapless Nice Guy to bitter misogynist was finally complete.
在三年后的"Comicalamities"中,菲力的女朋友长得很丑陋,所以在漫画家的一点帮助下,菲力改变了她的样子。然而,她的感激却是问菲力要珠宝。菲力为她添置了珍珠项链以及毛皮大衣,即便这样她还想要更多的东西,毫不餍足,所以忍无可忍的菲力终于把她用橡皮擦没了。在1922年"Felix Turns the Tide"中,他的女友在听闻他要去打仗后非常开心,并承诺他一回来就和他结婚。但当他回来时,他却发现女友已和敌人结婚并生下很多小猫了。这一次,菲力可能已经习惯了这样的结局,并没有受伤,反而哈哈大笑起来:"天,我真是幸免于难啊!"从此,这个倒霉蛋成功地完成了向女性厌恶者的转变。

1.Goofy Had A Human Wife



In most of the cartoons of the early '50s, Goofy was called George Geef, and he had a wife and child. While the face of Goofy's wife is never shown, we can assume that she is fully human and not an anthropomorphic dog-like creature because she has five fingers instead of four—as Goofy and most of Disney's animal characters do—as you can see at 4:06 in the video above, 1951's "The Cold War." Additionally, all female characters in the Goofy cartoons of the period are shown as regular women without dog features. We can actually see the back of her head in at least one episode—and she has normal human hair, as can be seen in the episode "Father's Weekend."

Goofy's unnamed wife does not seem to have the best reputation in town, either. In 1953's "Father's Day Off," it is suggested that she regularly receives with kisses the milkman, the grocery store man, and the laundry man while Goofy is away. Perhaps because of such shameless behavior, Goofy's wife disappeared without explanation in later cartoons, and in 1995's A Goofy Movie, it is implied that she died. It would seem that Goofy is one cartoon dog you don't want to cross.

翻译:周元 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
memorable ['memərəbl]


adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

necklace ['neklis]


n. 项链

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为

uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən]


adj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的

pearl [pə:l]


n. 珍珠
v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体

cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n]


n. 动画片,漫画
vt. 为 ... 画漫画

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面





