On the brink of a historic break-up, Hewlett-Packard disclosed on Tuesday that it is planning to slash another 25,000-30,000 jobs to put its new enterprise business on stronger footing as a stand-alone company.
The swingeing cuts come on top of 54,000 jobs that have already gone over the past three years as chief executive Meg Whitman has fought to turn around one of Silicon Valley's iconic companies. Earlier this year she threw in the towel on holding HP together in its current form and instead announced plans to carve it into two.
这次大裁员之前,惠普已在过去3年里裁员5.4万人。惠普首席执行官梅格惠特曼(Meg Whitman)做出了很大的努力,希望扭转这家硅谷标志性企业的命运。今年早些时候,她放弃了确保惠普现有企业架构的努力,宣布打算将公司一分为二。
The latest round of cuts will take place in HP's IT services business as the company takes more jobs off-shore to cut costs, according to Tim Stonesifer, chief financial officer of HP Enterprise, one of two companies that will emerge from the break-up.
蒂姆斯通西弗(Tim Stonesifer)表示,最新一轮裁员将针对惠普的IT服务业务,公司为了削减成本,会把更多岗位转移到海外去。惠普拆分成的两家公司后,斯通西弗将出任其中一家公司HP Enterprise的首席财务官。
The latest overhaul, which will include cash charges of $1.2bn, comes despite an earlier assurance from Ms Whitman that HP would not have to undertake any more restructurings.
"This has been a bit of a moving target," Ms Whitman said at an analyst meeting on Tuesday. "It has been a bumpy road, no doubt about it… We are conscious there have been a number of restructuring plans for this business."
Ms Whitman added: "I always said we would do what is right for this company." The IT services market has continued to change and put more pressure on HP to reorganise its operations, for instance by increasing the proportion of its services workforce in lower-cost, off-shore centres to 60 per cent, she said.
Ms Whitman, who will become CEO of HP Enterprise after the split, also offered a downbeat view of the company's growth prospects in the next few years. While the enterprise technology market is expected to grow at 4-5 per cent a year, the HP operation is expected to grow at a slower rate, roughly in line with global GDP, reflecting difficulties in markets including China, Russia and Brazil, she said.
惠特曼将出任拆分出来的HP Enterprise的首席执行官。她还对公司未来几年的增长前景表示了悲观。她表示,尽管企业技术市场的预期年增长率为4%至5%,但惠普业务的增速预计会低一些,大致等于全球GDP增速,这反映出了中国、俄罗斯和巴西等市场的困境。