Investors controlling about $2.6tn in total assets have made commitments to cut back or sell out of their holdings in fossil fuel companies, campaigners say, signalling the growing momentum of the divestment movement.
活动人士称,合计控制着约2.6万亿美元资产的投资者承诺,将缩减或出清他们在化石燃料公司持有的股份。此举标志着,“撤资运动”(divestment movement)的势头正日益高涨。
Campaigners concerned about the threat of climate change argue that investors have a moral responsibility not to finance activities that lead to high emissions of greenhouse gases, and that forthcoming climate policies are likely to make those activities unprofitable.
Ellen Dorsey of the Wallace Global Fund, a foundation that works on environmental and social issues, said the divestment campaign had evolved from “a few scrappy students” into a global movement.”
聚焦环境和社会问题的华莱士全球基金会(Wallace Global Fund)的埃伦多尔西(Ellen Dorsey)称,撤资运动已从“一些冲动的学生(搞的运动)”发展为一场全球性运动。
The actor Leonardo DiCaprio on Tuesday lent his name to the campaign of more than 2,000 individuals and 400 institutions who are committed to pulling money out of fossil fuel companies. His Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation supports conservation projects around the world.
演员莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)周二公开向这场运动表示支持。在这场运动中,有逾2000名个人和400家机构致力于从化石燃料公司撤资。迪卡普里奥的“莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥基金会”(Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation)支持世界各地的环保项目。
The total value of the holdings that investors are selling is not known, but Ryan Strode at Arabella Advisors, the research firm that calculated the $2.6tn figure, said a sample of just 7 per cent of the investors involved had between them sold or promised to sell about $6bn worth of fossil fuel investments.
投资者正在出售的股份的总价值尚不得而知,但估算出2.6万亿美元这个数字的研究机构“阿拉贝拉顾问公司”(Arabella Advisors)的瑞安斯特罗德(Ryan Strode)称,一个仅包含7%所涉投资者的样本,已出售或承诺出售价值约60亿美元的化石燃料方面的投资。
The largest investors that have sold or made commitments include Norway’s state pension fund, Axa, the French insurance group, Nordea Asset Management, the largest Nordic fund manager, and the University of California.
已出售或承诺出售投资的大型投资者包括,挪威国家养老金基金、法国保险集团安盛(Axa)、北欧最大的基金管理公司“北欧银行资产管理公司”(Nordea Asset Management)、以及加州大学(University of California)。
These funds have sold or pledged to sell their shares in coal companies, which have performed very poorly in recent years.
For example shares in Peabody Energy, the largest US coal group by production, have dropped 98 per cent since April 2011, under pressure from environmental regulations, competition from cheap natural gas, and a slump in world markets caused by falling demand in China.
例如,自2011年4月以来,面对环境监管、廉价天然气带来的竞争以及中国需求下滑导致全球市场低迷等因素构成的压力,美国产量最大的煤炭集团皮博迪能源(Peabody Energy)的股价已下跌了98%。