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Belgians are crazy about beer. Young Belgians are weaned on beer with soda, and old Belgians drink it with breakfast. Even the monks in Belgium make beer. The country has been in the brewing tradition since the 1100s—before it even was a country—and time has only served to open the doors for more and better ways to make the inebriating honey of the gods. We visited a few places in Belgium where beer is nigh religion and tasted for ourselves the holy fervor that has stood to make this country a bastion of alcoholic enlightenment. In the process, we've come to an inescapable conclusion: These guys are crazy about beer, and we love it.

比利时人民疯狂地爱着啤酒。在比利时,孩子们从小就习惯上喝掺了苏打的啤酒,而大人们更是连早饭也要就着啤酒来吃。连比利时的僧侣们也会酿造啤酒。比利时的啤酒酿造传统可以追溯到公元12世纪—— 当然这是早于比利时王国成立的 —— 而历史的作用也仅仅只是让比利时向全世界敞开了酿酒的大门以及让人们能更多地喝到这醉人的神露。我们造访了一些在比利时具有特殊意义的地方,因为在这些地方啤酒已经近乎一种宗教圣物了;同时我们也感受到了比利时人对酒的狂热,正是这样的狂热才让比利时得享"酒乡"的美誉。造访过程中,我们无可避免地要得出这样的结论:这群人疯狂地爱着啤酒,但我们也爱着他们的疯狂。

10.Beers Per Capita



Belgium has more individual styles of beer per capita than any other country in the world. With a population barely scraping past 11 million, they produced a whopping 1,132 distinct types of beer in 2011. Fast-forward to 2013 and that number is a mind-blowing 3,043 beers that were brewed among all 10 provinces of Belgium. The Flemish Brabant, a province in the north of Belgium, makes 457 beers on its own.

The region's interest in beer began when the Catholic Church sanctioned the use of abbeys to brew and distribute beer to raise money for upkeep near the end of the 10th century. Over the years, the nuns in the abbeys began pioneering new ways to brew, strengthening the diversity that was available to the locals in brewing villages. At the turn of the 20th century, there were over 3,000 breweries in Belgium, but the two World Wars had a devastating effect on the Belgian economy that reached deep into the brewing industry. Now, there are only about 180 breweries in Belgium.

9.Spontaneous Fermentation



Known in Belgium as lambic, spontaneously fermented beers have been brewed since the 14th century. The process isn't at all unique to Belgium, but they're certainly pioneering the modern form of spontaneous fermentation. Normal beer is made with three ingredients—malt, hops, and yeast. The malt makes it sweet, the hops add the bitter taste, and the yeast ferments the whole thing into alcohol.

Typically, the yeast is added from a package or a live culture. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a common brewing yeast, although there are others. But in spontaneous fermentation, the malt and hops are left to cool in the open air. This introduces wild yeast into the mixture, giving the brew a quality that is unique to the region where it was brewed, since it depends on the natural yeasts in the air to start the fermentation. Lambic is made exclusively in Belgium's Zenne valley, where the wild yeasts Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Brettanomyces lambicus thrive. Lambic by itself is acidic and flat, but if there's one thing you can say about Belgian brewers, it's that they never give up on a beer. To fix it, they brew a batch of lambic and then age it for six months. Then, they brew a fresh batch and mix the two together. Finally, while it's still fermenting, they bottle it, trapping the carbon dioxide and keeping it nice and bubbly. When you throw all those steps together, the result is an even more unique beer type known as Geuze (pronounced like a heavily accented "goose"). Now that's dedication.

8.Beer Cocktails



Jurgen Bollion and his brother Steven are the joint owners of the Taste M, a little bar bolted to the front of a small art museum in Leuven. Jurgen, a jovial man with a linebacker build and perpetually flushed cheeks, visits each table in person with a tray full of "fixings" for his signature drinks: beer cocktails.

尤尔根·博利昂和他的弟弟史蒂芬·博利昂是Taste M店的合伙经营人。Taste M是位于比利时勒芬市一个美术馆门口的一家小酒吧。掌柜尤尔根是个有着和橄榄球后卫球员一样壮硕身材,但整天都乐呵呵的男人,他会照顾到酒吧里每一桌上的每一位客人,当然还会给他们倒上他的招牌酒品:啤酒鸡尾酒。
The only way to describe a beer cocktail is "whatever Jurgen wants to put in it." But you're in good hands. As he works, he explains what each ingredient does for the drink: Sweetwood (part of the licorice family) for a tart flavor, tonic for a bitter middle taste, several shots of gin for strength, a bottle of Caulier 28 tripel for the beer, and ice to give the flavor more variety. He explains that, as the ice melts and the sweetwood seeps into the drink, the flavor changes, making each sip a little different. Then he makes a round of the table to tip more gin into each glass with a gruff "drink more." And that's just one cocktail. Jurgen has created hundreds of recipes for unique beer cocktails, each one meant to emphasize a different taste profile. One of his goals is to get past the perception that beer is a "man's" drink. In his words, everybody likes beer, you just have to find the right one—"They say to me, ‘I don't like beer.' And I say, ‘No, you don't like the beers that you have tried up to this point.' " He wants to find everybody's perfect beer. That's a man with an admirable mission.
我想只能用一句话来形容什么叫啤酒鸡尾酒:随便尤尔根往里面放什么都成。但他肯定会把你照顾周到。因为在尤尔根调配鸡尾酒的时候,他会告诉你酒里的每种成分。月桂(甘草纲目中的一种)能带来酸酸的味道,奎宁水的苦味能够中和酸味,随后加入的杜松子酒能够强化味觉上的刺激,再在啤酒里斟上一瓶Caulier 28 triple苹果酒混合,最后冰块的加入能够使这杯鸡尾酒的味道更加多元化。他如此解释道,因为味道会随着冰块的逐渐融化以及月桂的不断渗入而不断变化,这就使得你每酌一口都会有不同体验。最后他还会在酒吧里转一圈给每位客人再添上一些杜松子酒,每次都会粗声粗气地说着:"要多喝点哦!" 这还只是尤尔根调配的其中一种。尤尔根了发明了好几百种独特的啤酒鸡尾酒配方,而每一种配方都有一种最强烈的味道。其实尤尔根这样做有一个目的——让人们都认同啤酒就是"男人们的饮料"。用他自己的话来说,就是每个人都是喜欢啤酒的,而你只需要找到最适合你的口味,"他们对我说,‘我不喜欢啤酒',但是我对他们说,‘不是这样的,你只是不喜欢你现在喝的这种口味。'"他甚至想给全世界每个人都找出一种最适合他们的啤酒。他的这种持之以恒的态度确实令我们感到敬佩。

7."The Longest Bar In The World"



This is a local colloquialism for a square officially known as the Oude Market, located in Leuven. The market is basically a long, open courtyard with a line of businesses running along one side. So why is it called the longest bar in Europe? Well, over 40 of those businesses just happen to be bars. Since each bar has an outdoor patio, the experience is one of an unbroken outdoor terrace that runs for nearly half a kilometer (0.3 mi).

Of course, despite its name, it's not actually the longest bar in the world, or even Europe. There are several contenders to the title, most of them named by generations of locals who grew up with the phrase and simply want to keep it alive in their home town. Nevertheless, the Oude Market is a unique place to visit, and one of the bars, Domus, is even supplied by a direct pipeline to its nearby brewery.And the other side of the square? That's a university. In many parts of Belgium, especially Leuven, college students get beers for 1 euro as a thanks from the brewers to their best customers.


6.The Bruges Beer Pipeline



When the De Halve Maan brewery opened up a new bottling plant at the outskirts of Bruges, they hit a snag: As the last brewery in downtown Bruges, their facility has become something of a cultural icon. Bruges was once the proud home of dozens of breweries both large and small, but one by one they each closed their doors for the last time. De Halve Maan has been standing since the 16th century, and over 100,000 tourists flock to Bruges to view their brewery and beer museum every year.

So moving the brewery closer to the bottling plant is definitely not an option, but as it stands now, a fleet of 500 trucks is required to transport the beer from barrel to bottle, a fleet that accounts for 85 percent of Bruges's current commercial traffic. The streets are literally clogged with beer.That's all going to change with an underground beer pipeline. It won't be the first in the world—Germany has a beer pipeline running under the Veltins-Arena football stadium, and the Great Lakes brewery in Cleveland has a small underground system. But while Great Lakes only pipes their beer across the street, De Halve Maan is building a monstrosity that runs 3 kilometers (1.8 mi) under the city. It'll pump 100 liters (26 gal) of freshly brewed beer every minute.

翻译:杨学进 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
devastating ['devəsteitiŋ]


adj. 毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的

thrive [θraiv]


vi. 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

option ['ɔpʃən]


n. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权
v. 给予选

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

tart [tɑ:t]


adj. 酸的,尖酸的,刻薄的 n. 果馅饼,妓女

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

distribute [di'stribjut]


v. 分配,散布

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

spontaneously [spɔn'teiniəsli]


adv. 自发地,自生地,自然产生地





