The Chinese ecommerce giant is seeking to take full control of New York-listed Youku Tudou, the Chinese video hosting site in which it acquired a stake in 2014.
中国最大电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)正寻求全面控股在纽约上市的中国视频网站优酷土豆(Youku Tudou)。阿里巴巴曾在2014年入股优酷土豆。
Alibaba is proposing to buy all of the shares it doesn't already own in Youku Tudou for $26.60 a share in cash. Shares in Youku Tudou closed on Thursday at $20.43.
Alibaba said it had made the proposal with the support of the founding shareholders of Youku, including Victor Koo, Chengwei Capital and their affiliates.
阿里巴巴表示,该计划已得到包括古永锵(Victor Koo)、成为基金(Chengwei Capital)及其关联方在内的优酷创始股东的支持。
Alibaba currently has an 18.3 per cent stake in the video hosting site.
Daniel Zhang, chief executive officer of Alibaba said: We believe that the proposed transaction, with tighter integration of our resources, will help Youku achieve exciting growth in the years ahead by leveraging Alibaba's assets in living-room entertainment, e-commerce, advertising and data analytics.
阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇(Daniel Zhang)表示:“我们相信此次合作会让双方结合更加紧密。以视频为代表的数字产品是电商除实物商品外重要组成部分,优酷土豆优质的视频内容将会成为未来阿里电商数字产品的核心组成部分。”
Digital products, especially video, are just as important as physical goods in e-commerce, and Youku's high-quality video content will be a core component of Alibaba's digital product offering in the future.
Alibaba is proposing that Youku's founder, Victor Koo, would continue to lead the business as chairman and chief executive officer. Alibaba's executive chairman Jack Ma said.
阿里巴巴董事局主席马云(Jack Ma)表示:“通过此次合作,我们将更加深度支持古永锵和他领导的团队,实现打造中国领先数字娱乐平台的梦想。”