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双语财经新闻 第18期:技术商业

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For the stakeholders associated with all technology and business domains, 2011 is bound to be a year of important turning point. The major characteristic of the meaning of transition is that 2011 will become “the first usage year of an era”, with the application of various complex properties entering an explosive growth; and the second major characteristic is the arrival of a brand new era of technology blending,

对于所有技术和商业领域内的相关利益者而言,2011年注定是一个重要的转 折点。其转折意义的第一大表征,就是这一年会成为“应用元年”,各种包含复杂属 性的应用将进人一个爆发式的增长期;而第二大表征,即是一种崭新的技术交融时 代到来。
IDC Senior Vice President and Chief Analyst, Frank Gens, said “How distinctive is 2011 rests with the fact that those subvernve3 technologies will eventually fuse together, such as cloud and mobile, mobile and social networking, social networking and ‘huge amounts of data’ and real time analysis, and so forth.” His viewpoint basically embodied the forecast and judgment of venture capitalists and industry analysts on the trend of information technology industry next year.
IDC高级副总裁兼首席分析师法兰克?金斯也就此发表了自己的观点:“2011年 真正与众不同的地方在于,那些颠覆性的技术最终会相互融合,例如云和移动、移 动和社交网络、社交网络和海量数据以及实时分析等。”他的观点基本体现出了风 险投资家们和分析机构对明年信息技术产业走势的预测和判断。
After foreshadowing for several years, the acceptance and adoption of cloud computing by all various industries has gradually led the current computing environment to multi-polarization, which is also a new form of application foundation that has emerged in large numbers. The acceptance, approach and interfaces of computing used by people have all been remodeled, and it is mobile internet that has pushed forward this trend, thereby benefiting us.
经过数年铺垫之后’各行各业对云计算的接纳和采纳,使得现在的计算环境逐 渐走向多极化,这也是出现各种软件、程序大规模涌现的新形式的基础。人们应用 计算的接受程度、途径和界面都在被重塑,移动互联网推动了这股潮流,而大众也 从中受益良多。
The grand fusion of mobile phone and internet had been enthusiastically6 expected by people for many years, but seemingly it was not until 2010 that iPad and Android really kindled the hope. In the wake of the amazing number of different mobile terminals coming on the market, the flourishing use of mobile phones will certainly place mobile internet on an express way. This will further drive the commercialization progress of social networking that has been heating up* and very promising. With huge amounts of potential capital accumulated in this domain, making achievements in advertisements, games, added value services and community businesses, that have widely been well regarded, will become the themes of social networking in 2011.
移动电话与互联网大融合景象的出现,已经被热情的大众期待了很多年,但这 种希望,似乎直到2010年才被iPad和Android真正点燃。新一年中,随着数量惊人的 各种移动终端纷纷被投放市场,移动电话的繁荣、蓬勃势必将使移动互联网走上快车道。这会进一步带动已经拥有髙热度和髙成长性的社交网络的商业化进程,该领 域已经累积了巨大的资本势能,在已被广为看好的广告、游戏、增值服务和社区商 务这4条出路上做出成绩,这将成为2011年社交网络的主旋律。
The first to benefit from the explosive usage within the technology domains mentioned above will be E-commerce, since this is the most ancient and fundamental form of business in internet. Whether it is communization of E-commerce or communized E-commerce, or whether it is the expansion of E-commerce to E Mobile-commerce, it all foreshadows a blending trend of profundity so different from that of the past _ innovative usage in the new period will inevitably be a combination of multi elements.
以上3大技术领域内的应用大爆发,首先受益的会是电子商务,因为这是互联网上最古老也最基本的商业形态。无论是电子商务共有化还是共享的电子商务,无 论是从电子商务向电子移动商务的扩展,都预示着一种与以往不同的深度交融趋势——新时期的创新应用必将是包含多种元素的组合体。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
innovative ['inəuveitiv]


adj. 革新的,创新的

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

fusion ['fju:ʒən]


n. 融合物,结合,熔合

acceptance [ək'septəns]


n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑

promising ['prɔmisiŋ]


adj. 有希望的,有前途的

analysis [ə'næləsis]


n. 分析,解析

distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界





