For office workers who spend their days working on a computer at a traditional desk, it is fairly old news by now that the medical profession considers sitting for hours a health hazard akin to smoking a pack of cigarettes every day. In fact, a number of studies have found that sitting increases risk of death by all causes even if you have a fairly active workout schedule outside the office. So the question becomes: what can you do about it?
Few of us have stand-up desks, which is the ideal solution, provided you do not stand all day without taking a break. For those who must sit, an intriguing insight into a possible remedy was included in a study published recently in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine. It looked at 12,778 women in the UK who were followed for 12 years.
我们很少有人有立式办公桌,那是完美的解决办法——只要你抽空休息一下,而不是连续站一整天。对那些必须坐的人来说,《美国预防医学杂志》(The American Journal of Preventive Medicine)最近发表的一份研究报告为可能的解决办法提供了耐人寻味的见解。该项研究对英国1.2778万名妇女进行了为期12年的跟踪研究。
Like previous studies, it found that sitting was associated with a 43 per cent increase in the risk of all-cause mortality, regardless of age. But there was a puzzling group that was not affected by the time spent in their chairs: for those women who sat all day but also fidgeted a lot, the risk of death actually declined.
Could fidgeting at your desk really protect you against heart attacks, even when going to the gym does not? When I put this question to the lead author of the paper, Gareth Hagger-Johnson at UCL’s department of epidemiology and public health, he acknowledged that one limitation of the study was that it depended on the women self-reporting their fidgeting time. Dr Hagger-Johnson also said researchers now need a “better objective measure of fidgeting”.
在座位上忙活真的能保护你不会得心脏病吗,即便在你去健身房都起不了什么作用的情况下?当我向该报告的主要作者、伦敦大学学院(UCL)流行病学和公共卫生系的加雷思哈格-约翰逊(Gareth Hagger-Johnson)提出这个问题时,他承认,该研究的一个局限性在于,它取决于这些女性自己报告的忙活时间。哈格-约翰逊还表示,研究人员现在需要“衡量忙活的更佳客观指标”。
It turns out that science has actually looked at this question: fidgeting is known to research boffins as “non-exercise activity thermogenesis” or Neat. James Levine, a specialist in obesity at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota has written several papers on fidgeting.
事实上,科学界已经关注到这个问题:忙活被科研人员称为“非运动性热量消耗”(Neat)。位于明尼苏达州罗切斯特的梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的肥胖病专家詹姆斯莱文(James Levine)就忙忙碌碌撰写了数篇文章。
Dr Levine, author of a recently published book about the dangers of sitting called Get Up!, says studies indicate that people fidget because the brain is signalling to the body to move around more. When they are in an environment that blocks that urge — an office, for instance — “you will not move but fidget”.
莱文医生最近围绕久坐风险发表了一本题为《站起来!》(Get Up!)的图书。他表示,研究表明,人们之所以坐立不安,是因为大脑暗示身体要走动走动。当他们身处无法走动的环境中,比如办公室,“你不能走动,只能忙这忙那”。
The key takeaway of the UK study and others is that small movements that do not amount to physical exercise can be protective to otherwise sedentary office workers.
Dr Levine suggests keeping small hand weights on your desk to pump up and down at idle moments. He says another good strategy is to put a red dot on your office phone as a reminder to stand up for a moment whenever you finish a phone call.
One California manufacturer is now experimenting with adding “fidget bars” underneath school desks, which allows seated students to move their legs idly while listening in class. For the more adventurous, some fitness equipment makers are designing innovative devices that look like truncated bicycle pedals that fit under your desk and let you move your feet while seated.
Personal tech such as the Apple and Polar smartwatches even remind you “it’s time to move” after a fixed interval.
For those of us compelled to sit down all day, there is now scientific evidence of a small but effective way to reduce the damage caused by our sedentary lifestyles.