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双语财经新闻 第48期:天价豪宅

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A Manhattan condominium owned by a financially troubled Italian film producer was sold in a foreclosure auction for $33.2 million, the highest price paid for Manhattan apartment this year and a sign that New York real estate prices are stabilizing.

A Chinese businessman who was not identified purchased the 5,500-square-foot apartment with 20-foot ceilings and views of Central Park that had been owned by Vittorio Cecchi Gori, the producer of more than 200 films including “II Postino” and “Life is Beautiful.” The new buyer paid the lofty price of more than $6,000 a square foot even though the apartment was in ruins after being gutted by Mr. Cecchi Gori for a renovation. The sale closed on Monday.
一位没有表露身份的中国商人买下了这套面积5500^方英尺、层高20英尺的 公寓。这套公寓还可纵览纽约曼哈顿中央公园的景色。其原主人切奇?高里是200多 部影片的制片人,包括《邮差》和《美丽人生》等经典影片。虽然公寓因切奇?高里进 行的装修而一片混乱,买主还是支付了每平方英尺逾6000美元的高价。交易于周一 完成。
The price in the current deal underscores1 signs of recovery in luxury housing in Manhattan in the last few months, after an extended period of slavish2 sales and falling prises. It followed a series of high closing prices on other luxury cooperatives and condominiums last December.
这桩交易的价格凸显了曼哈顿豪华房产经过很长一段时间的销售萧条和价格 下滑后,在过去几个月的复苏迹象。此前在去年12月,其他豪华合作公寓和共管公 寓也创下了一系列高价。
Last June, when sales in the Manhattan market were still largely stalled, a Russian businessman agreed to pay $18 million for the apartment, in Trump International Hotel and Tower. But that deal fell apart.
去年6月,在曼哈顿房地产市场的销售基本上还陷人停顿之际,一名俄罗斯商 人同意出价1800万美元买下这套位于Trump国际酒店大厦的公寓。不过那桩交易最终没成。
Interest in the Cecchi Gori condo has been intense. After the deal with the Russian businessman collapsed, four buyers stepped forward late last year and made offers at or above $18 million, according to Howard Margolis, the broker3 at Prudential Douglas EHiman who worked on the sale for the last year. That led to a formal auction, which was held in January and continued for five hours and 35 rounds of bidding between two of the bidders, brokers said.
这套公寓吸弓I 了众多注意。普天寿房地产公司的经纪马格里斯说,与俄罗斯商 人的交易失败后,去年年底又有四名买家出现,出价在1800万美元或更高。由此产 生了一场正式的拍卖,在1月份举行,两名竞拍者经过了五个小时、35轮叫价才尘埃 落定。
The winning bid of $33.2 million was made by a limited liability company, listed in care of Rothschild Bank Trust in Zurich. But brokers in the building said the actual buyer was a Chinese businessman involved in manufacturing.
叫出3320万美元胜出竞价的是一家有限责任公司,挂在苏黎世的Rothschild Bank Trust名下。不过大厦的经纪人说真正的买家是一名从事制造业的中国商人。
Mr. Cecchi Gori’s financial troubles predate the latest recession, and involve complicated allegations of a bankruptcy fraud in Italy that date back years, and that put him in jail4 for a time.
切奇?高里的财务困境早在最近这轮经济衰退之前就开始了,因涉及多年前在 意大利的一桩复杂的破产欺诈指控,他还曾因此短暂人狱。
Niels Juul, the temporary chief executive of Mr. Checchi Gori’s Los Angeles production company, Checchi Gori Pictures, said the film producer expected to be completely vindicated by the Italian courts, and was currently involved in several film productions.
在切奇?高里位于洛杉肌的电影制作公司Checchi Gori Pictures代理首席执行长 的Niels Juul说,切奇?高里有望在意大利法院彻底平反,目前正参与几部影片的制作。
Court records show that Mr. Cecchi Gori eventually fell behind on a $28 million debt to Fortress Investment Group. The loan was secured by three houses, in New York, London and Los Angeles, each of which has now been sold. Mr. Juul said that with the higher sale price on the New York apartment, Mr. Cecchi Gori expected eventually to receive some of the proceeds of the auction.
法庭记录显本,切奇?高里最终拖欠了 Fortress Investment Group的2800万美兀 债务。这笔贷款以分别位于纽约、伦敦和洛杉矶的三套房产为抵押,目前这三处房 产均已售出。Juul说,由于纽约这套公寓的售价较高,切奇?高里预计最终将获得拍 卖所得的部分款项。
The apartment, which Mr. Cecchi Gori bought in 1997 for $10.4 million, also was owned at one point by developer Donald Trump, who paid $5 million for it in 1997. But after Mr. Trump separated from his then — wife, Marta Maples, he listed the apartment for rent at the then — astronomical sum of $100,000 a month. Mr. Cecchi Gori bought it few months later.
切奇?高里于1997年以1040万美元购得这套公寓。在那之前它一度还为开发商 特朗普所有,后者在1997年以500万美元买下。不过在特朗普与当时的妻子梅波斯 离婚后就以当时每月10万美元的天价将房子租了出去,切奇?髙里在几个月后买下 了它。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

fraud [frɔ:d]


n. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

liability [.laiə'biliti]


n. 责任,可能性,债务,不利因素,倾向

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的





