The Eastern Han was another strong and prosperous dynasty after the Western Han, and its economy went on booming.
Since its foundation by Emperor Guangwu, the empire lasted 196 years over fourteen generations.
The first 40 plus years of the Eastern Han witnessed the relative stability during the reign of the emperors Guang Wu, Ming and Zhang.
After a civil war that had lasted from 25 A. D. to 36 A. D. , Emperor Guangwu finally reunited the country.
He tried to reinstate the central government, so the new dynasty was more autocratic than the Western Han.
Although the emperor re-established the princedoms and marquisates, and gave titles and fiefs to his followers, all of them were free from executive powers actually.
He made a comprehensive reform on the policies made by Wang Mang, rectifying the bureaucratic system.
The power of the reputed three chancellors, i. e. , the chancellor of civil administration, the chancellor of military affairs and the great censor, was weakened.
Being still in high positions, but in name only,they didn’t have any real power any longer.
Then all the power was centralized in the imperial board of ministries, which took orders from the emperor directly. This played an important role in the autocratic sovereignty, which sustained and further enhanced the centralization of the Western Han.
权力集中于尚书台,尚书台则直接听命于皇帝, 这对皇帝的个人专制独裁起到重要作用,
The inspection system was strengthened, and prefectural governor was appointed to each prefecture.
He should go on an inspection tour around his administrative region in August every year, reviewing the lawsuits, inspecting the official achievements, and presenting a memorial of his inspection to the emperor at the end of the year.
The local forces were also cut down step by step in order to enhance the central military power.
Therefore, armies in prefectures and fiefdoms were too few to fight independently, and a big war had to resort to the central forces.
Economic Policies:One crucial task for the Eastern Han Empire was the reconstruction of the economy.
Long years of war and the flooding of the Yellow River rendered many peasant refugees roam around in the countryside.
In order to control the population and to restrict the power of the local nobility, Emperor Guangwu tried to implement a system of “measuring fields”.
In 39, he ordered a country-wide check-up on land reclamation and census.
However the local officials shielded the landlords and cheated on figures in order to shift tax burden onto the peasants.
The emperor had a dozen magistrates executed, for being guilty of false measurement, and ordered to speed up measuring fields.
The large land owners began to resist the property assessment with armed forces.
The deceived peasants also put up a violent resistance.
The emperor, who could do nothing effective, had to end the matter up with nothing definite. Therefore the counterattack was calmed down.
Later, he issues six prescripts to release bondservants, which helped to stabilize the social order, restore and develop economy effectively.
After a series of reforms, the Eastern Han Dynasty had recovered its former prosperity under the reign of Emperors Guangwu, Ming and Zhang in the middle of the first century. This period of time is known as the Rule of Guangwu.
经过一系列的改革,到公元一世纪中叶,经过光武帝、明帝(58 ~76年在位)、章帝(76?89年在位)三代的治理,东汉王朝已经逐渐恢复了往日汉朝的强盛,这一时期被后人称之为“光武中兴”。
After Emperor Guangwu died in 57, Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang came to the throne successively, and they all carried on the practice of the founder of the Eastern Han.
This period of time was seen as days of peace and prosperity, when the economy found time to recover from the damage.
二人皆遵奉光武之治, 为此这一时期国家繁荣、安定,社会经济得到恢复。
The two emperors also attached importance to Confucianism.
In 59, Emperor Ming personally lectured in the imperial academy and discussed Confucian classics with scholars.
Nearly 100 000 people are said to have attended.
据说有近10万人 参加这一活动。
In 79, since there were theoretical diversities existed within Confucianism, Emperor Zhang brought together the famous scholars in the White Tiger Hall in Luoyang to discuss the varieties and unities of the Five Classics. He ordered Ban Gu to incorporate the conclusions into a book, Bai Hu Tong Yi (Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall), which served to deify and consolidate imperial authority.
公元79年,因经学家多分歧,章帝集中诸卿、博士等于洛阳白虎观讲议五经同异,并命班固将讨论结果整理成书,名为《白虎通德论》(又称《白虎通 义》、《白虎通》),为神化和巩固封建政权服务。