Sepp Blatter was banned from world football for eight years yesterday, completing his downfall after 17 years at the pinnacle of the sport.
国际足联(Fifa)主席塞普布拉特(Sepp Blatter)昨日被裁定8年内禁止参加任何形式的足球活动,他在执掌足球界17年后落马。
Fifa’s ethics committee said it could not conclusively prove that Mr Blatter was corrupt but banned him for unethical behaviour, a failure to respect “all the applicable laws”, and for abusing his position as Fifa president.
Michel Platini, the head of football in Europe, saw his hopes of succeeding Mr Blatter at Fifa dashed by his own eight-year ban.
欧洲足联主席米歇尔渠拉蒂尼(Michel Platini)也被“禁足”8年,这令其接替布拉特出任国际足联主席的愿望泡汤。
The two men were banned after a Sfr2m payment from Fifa to Mr Platini in February 2011 came to light. While both men said the payment was for work carried out by Mr Platini for Fifa between 1998 and 2002, there was no contract and no record of the payment in Fifa’s accounts.
Mr Blatter, who will turn 80 in March, has robustly denied any wrongdoing and challenged the power of the ethics committee to enforce a ban, insisting only Fifa’s congress could elect to remove him.