Latest figures suggest a growing number of Chinese mainland residents are travelling to Hong Kong to buy insurance products and services.
Hong Kong agents are banned from selling their products on the mainland, but mainland travelers can buy policies when they visit the city.
According to figures from Hong Kong's office of the Commissioner of Insurance, mainland visitors bought insurance premiums worth 2.7 billion U.S. dollars in the city in the first three quarters of last year, accounting for 22 percent of new office premiums in Hong Kongin that period. That represents nearly a five-fold increase from 2011.

Hong Hao, from the local BOCOM International Holdings Company, believes the cheaper prices and higher returns of insurance products in Hong Kong play a key role in attracting mainland buyers.
"Insurance products sold in Hong Kong are, in general, cheaper than those sold in the mainland market. In some extreme cases, we've seen 50 percent discount between Hong Kong products and mainland products. For example, in the past 10 years, the average expected return for Hong Kong insurance products is five to nine percent. I think on the mainland it's probably less than five percent. So if you assume the currency exchange rateis stable, then the return of the Hong Kong insurance products here can be a lot more attractive."
Analysts say that insurance products provided in Hong Kong outstrip those offered on the mainland also in many other aspects, such as product innovation, scope of protection and the quality of service.
Hong Kong has seen its insurance market expanding rapidly in recent years. With a population of around 7 million, the city has about 160 insurers, the largest number of authorized insurance companies in Asia.