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来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

A common strategy examiners employ involvesasking a combination of both relevant (Did you rob the bank?) and irrelevantquestions (Have you ever taken anything that didn’t belong to you?). Since noone can really answer ‘no’ to the irrelevant questions without lying somewhat,the theory is that the physiological response to the irrelevant questionsserves as a type of baseline. The idea is to get a decent profile of what itlooks like when you’re lying when unstressed – this helps the person readingthe machine to be more confident that they are observing a response to astressed lie than if they were only comparing with obvious truths (such as ‘are you aman?’).


George Maschke, who has since 2000, says the strategy for beating a polygraph is torecognise the control questions and augment your reactions to them.

乔治·马施克(George Maschke)自2000 年起经营一家网站,他表示,战胜测谎仪的策略是,承认对照问题,并放大自己对它们的反应。

“When you’re asked a control question, like ‘Did you ever lie to getout of trouble?’ you can try to solve a math problem as quickly as you can inyour head and that mental activity will tend to raise your sweating, yourbreathing, et cetera,” he says. “If you have a stronger reaction to the controlquestions than the relevant questions you will pass the test.”


Goodson says that although he cansuccessfully defeat a polygraph against novice students, defeating anexperienced examiner is harder. “Altering human physiology is not difficult,and there are many anti-polygraph websites that teach this. What these websitescan’t teach is how to alter one’s physiology that appears to a polygraphexaminer as a genuine or natural response to a polygraph exam question,” hesays. “When polygraph examinees try to alter or control their bodies’ normalreactions, it creates abnormal data that is easily recognisable by a polygraphexaminer trained to detect these unnatural physiological responses.”


Some researchers are also concerned thatwhen wrong, the tests produce more false positives (meaning innocent people whowrongly fail) than false negatives (meaning guilty people who wrongly pass), aphenomenon that can be seen in a 2004 report on the validity of polygraphs bythe British Psychological Society.

有些研究人员也会担心,测试有误时,测试生成的错误阳性结果(意思是,无辜者错误地未通过测谎)多于错误的阴性结果(意思是,有过错的人错误地通过测谎),这种现象在2004 年英国心理学学会验证测谎仪有效性的报告中就可以看到。

According to Goodson, some people who aretelling the truth can fail polygraph tests by trying too hard to control theirbody’s responses. “When truthful persons alter their physiology, thinking theywill help themselves pass the polygraph, polygraph literature suggests thatmany of these truthful examinees are classified as deceptive when they do so,”he says.


Many scientists are concerned that thetheory behind lie detectors is faulty, since a physiological response is notnecessarily linked to lying. A 2011 meta-analysis by the American PolygraphAssociation found that polygraph tests using comparison questions had incorrectoutcomes about 15% of the time.

许多科学家担心,测谎仪背后的理论是错误的,因为生理反应与撒谎并不具有必然联系。美国测谎协会2011 元分析报告(A 2011 meta-analysis by the American Polygraph Association)发现,当时测谎测试使用的对照问题约15% 都会得到错误的结果。

The type of test I’m trying to pass howeveris sounder, and slightly more difficult to cheat. Since I’m doing this for astory, Mordi has devised a way for me to test the system that doesn’t requirecomparison questions. He asks me to write a number between one and seven on apiece of paper and will monitor my physical response as I try to lie my way througheach number, as if I didn’t write anything at all.

我试图通过的测试比较可靠,想骗过测谎器会更难。由于我是为了写报道才这样做的,所以穆尔迪为我设计了一种测试系统的方法,无需使用对照问题。他让我在纸上写出1 到7 之间的一个数字,然后在我试图隐瞒每个数字,好像我什么也没有写的时候,监控我的生理反应。

It’s a simplified version of the GuiltyKnowledge Test, which is used in investigations after a known crime. Anexaminer presents a potential suspect with specific information unrelated andrelated to a crime to test whether examinees have a response to the relevantitems. Take a bank robbery for instance. You could present the amount of moneythat was stolen from the bank among other figures, or a genuine ransom notethat was passed to the bank teller among other notes created by the police.


Though Maschke says it’s still possible tocheat through it, the Guilty Knowledge Test is considered more theoreticallysound than the comparison strategy and less controversial by scientists,according to the report by the British Psychological Society. The 2011meta-analysis conducted by the American Polygraph Association found that GuiltyKnowledge type tests were incorrect closer to 10% of the time.

尽管马施克表示,还是有可能骗过犯罪知识测试,但根据英国心理学会的报告,在理论上,这种测试要比对照策略更为可靠,科学家对此的争议要少一些。美国测谎协会2011 元分析报告发现,当时,犯罪知识类测试的错误率接近10%。

Far from perfect –but still,it caught me out. I failed spectacularly. There is a screenshot of myphysiological reactions below. See if you can tell when I lied.


If you look at the thick black line inparticular, you can probably guess that I lied about the number six. And Mordispotted it too.

如果您仔细观察黑色粗线,可能就会发现我对数字6 撒了谎。这点穆尔迪也发现了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
irrelevant [i'relivənt]


adj. 不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<


关键字: 测谎仪 身体反应




