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Since mid-February, the financial markets have become much less concerned about a hard landing in global economic activity, or at least about a potential clash between slowing economic activity and inappropriately tight macroeconomic policy from China and the US Federal Reserve. Financial conditions indicators have eased in the big economies, and this has been accompanied by a partial recovery in business surveys in many parts of the world.


In the last edition of our monthly report card on Fulcrum’s global nowcasts, we commented that economic activity had turned a corner in the US and China, but this was offset by continued weakness in several key economies, including Japan and the UK. A similar pattern is apparent in this month’s nowcasts. Global recession risks, which seemed elevated in January and February, have now receded, but the world economy is far from robust.


We therefore leave the overall verdict unchanged from last month: global activity growth is somewhat better, especially in the emerging economies, but it is still a long way from being satisfactory. (Full details of the latest nowcasts are shown here.)


Global activity only slightly below trend growth…


Global activity has been growing below its long-run trend rate (3.6 per cent) since the start of 2014. At times (eg in February 2015, August 2015 and February 2016) the growth rate has fallen well below 2.5 per cent, and there have been elevated fears that a global hard landing might occur. Several factors have explained this dismal pattern – the chronic slowdown in productivity growth in advanced economies; the impact of China’s structural problems and the crash in commodity prices on emerging economies; and the drag from a rising dollar and a tightening Federal Reserve on US activity.


On each occasion, however, the outcome has confounded the pessimists, and recession risks have quickly faded. Policy changes by the Fed have eased monetary conditions at critical times and China has repeatedly eased fiscal policy to inject temporary boosts to the sagging economy. This is exactly what has happened during the latest slowdown in January/February 2016, and the global economy has once again stepped back from the brink of outright recession.


The latest nowcast shows a rebound in global activity growth to 3.4 per cent, which is just below trend. Growth in the advanced economies has rebounded from a low point of 1 per cent in February to 1.4 per cent now (ie still about 0.3 per cent below trend). Growth in the emerging economies has jumped from 3 per cent in February to 5.5 per cent now, which is at trend for the first time in three years. However, the rebound in the emerging economies is driven by improvements in China and Brazil, both of which are subject to large risks of renewed setbacks in coming months.


The US may be emerging from its prolonged slowdown…


The US nowcasts started to identify a marked slowdown about a year ago, at a time when consensus forecasts generally showed the economy accelerating in 2015 as the impact of lower oil prices boosted consumer demand. Unfortunately, the subdued nowcasts were correct on that occasion. The cutback in investment in domestic oil production and an unexpectedly large rise in the dollar damaged the US manufacturing sector, and this more than offset the benefits from buoyant labour markets during 2015.


This year, with the nowcast dropping to only about 1 per cent, the Fed realised that it would have to reduce its 2016 gross domestic product growth forecast very sharply unless monetary conditions were eased markedly. When interest rate increases were postponed, growth quickly started to recover. With confidence returning, the Fed now seems to be considering a June rate rise (as Tim Duy points out).

今年,随着nowcast降至1%左右,美联储意识到,除非货币状况明显放松,否则它将不得不大幅下调其对2016年国内生产总值(GDP)增长的预测。在加息举措推迟后,经济增长迅速开始回升。随着信心回归,美联储现在似乎在考虑6月加息(就像蒂姆•杜伊(Tim Duy)所指出的那样)。

The debate about the present state of US activity is reflected in the continuing differences between the Fulcrum nowcast, the GDPNow model produced by the Atlanta Fed, and theNew York Fed nowcast. As explained in this blog, we prefer to focus on the daily Fulcrum nowcasts, which suggest that the US growth rate dipped sharply up to the end of February, but has now recovered to about 1.9 per cent.

围绕美国经济活动当前状况的辩论,体现在支点nowcast模型、亚特兰大联储(Atlanta Fed)制作的GDPNow模型以及纽约联储(New York Fed)的nowcast模型继续存在的分歧上。正如我们在这个博客专栏中解释的那样,我们更愿意关注支点的每日nowcast模型,它表明,在2月底之前,美国增速大幅下滑,但现在已回升至1.9%左右。

US nowcasts have been somewhat volatile lately, so the recent rebound should not be treated as wholly reliable, but it seems clear that the economy has now rebounded from the subdued 0.5 per cent growth rate shown in the official GDP statistics in 2016 Q1. As usual, the GDP data are very backward looking, and are largely ignored by the forward-looking financial markets.


Japan and the UK are causing headaches….


Among the medium sized advanced economies, there has been a further slowdown in activity growth in both Japan and the UK in recent weeks. Although these economies have idiosyncratic problems at the moment, the weak data emerging from both of them raises some concerns about the breadth and durability of the bounce in activity in the advanced economies.


Growth in Japan fell back into negative territory in March, and the latest data suggest that it has fallen further to -0.7 per cent in April. The failure of the Bank of Japan to ease monetary policy in April is therefore surprising, though this may only be a temporary postponement.

3月,日本经济增速重新回到负值,最新数据似乎表明,4月的经济增速进一步下滑至-0.7%。因此日本央行(Bank of Japan) 4月未能放松货币政策令人意外,尽管这或许只是暂时推迟。

In the UK, activity growth has fallen markedly from 2.5 per cent in February to only 1 per cent now. It is hard to say whether this slowdown is due to the uncertainty caused by the EU referendum, but that is clearly one possible explanation. In any event, UK growth has fallen persistently since the start of 2014, and there is no sign yet of any improvement.


Little recent change in activity data from the eurozone and China…


Growth in activity in the eurozone has been disappointing this year, probably because the economy is reacting with a lag to earlier weakness in China and the US. But the sharp drop in Germany and other eurozone economies identified by the nowcasts in February seems to have been a false alarm. Underlying fundamentals forgrowth this year do not look too bad, with fiscal policy broadly neutral, monetary policy gaining some traction and consumer spending looking healthy. Eurozone growth is running at 1.4 per cent, and it will probably slightly exceed trend this year, provided that foreign demand remains firm.


In China, the recovery in the mini-cycle is alive and well, despite a slightly weaker PMI in April. A sharp easing in fiscal and monetary policy has resulted in an early rebound in activity, as it has done many times in the past. Activity growth is now well above the official target at 7.5 per cent, but this is based on a renewed rise in leverage in the public and private sectors, and a further delay in the rebalancing of the economy away from reliance on excessive investment spending.


The markets have been reassured in the short term that the authorities are willing and able to prevent a hard landing, but at what longer term cost? China’s emergence from a severe bout of excessive leverage will undoubtedly be an extremely long story, with many twists and turns before it is over.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

apparent [ə'pærənt]


adj. 明显的,表面上的

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

emergence [i'mə:dʒəns]


n. 出现,浮现,露出

leverage ['li:vəridʒ]


n. 杠杆(作用,力量),举债经营 v. (使)举债经营

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

postponement [.pəust'pəunmənt]


n. 推迟

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

unexpectedly ['ʌnik'spektidli]


adv. 未料到地,意外地

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来


关键字: 金融市场 硬着陆




