Females are adopting a croaky drawl known as 'vocal fry' and showcased by the likes of many US celebrities including reality TV stars the Kardashian family. One cultural critic complained that it made young women sound like 'ducks quacking.
Also known as creaky voice, it involves elongating certain syllables so that they vibrate at the back of the throat, creating a tapping sound like a stick running along a railing. With vocal fry, the phrase 'no way' becomes 'no waaaaaaay' and 'whatever' turns into 'whateverrrrrr'.
这种发音方式也叫作“嘎音”,发音时需将特定音节拉长,在喉咙后部发生震颤,形成一种拍打的声音,就像是拿着一根木棍滑过栏杆那样。用上“气泡音”,短语“no way”(没门儿)就成了“no waaaaaaay”,而“whatever”(管它呢)会变成“whateverrrrrr”。
An experiment by university researchers found 86 per cent students tested vocal fry in normal speech when asked to repeat a list of made-up words. Louisiana State University researchers said that women think that lower voices make them seem more masculine and so better able to take on men in the workplace.
A spokesman of Elsevier, the Journal of Voice, said: "The results suggest that even when words have no meaning, young female speakers will seek to mark the end of an utterance or add emphasis with vocal fry."
However, while the vocal quirk hasn't done Kim Kardashian's career any harm, many believe it carries negative connotations. One study found that women with the speech pattern sound less competent and less employable.