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对冲基金处境艰难 优秀投资者懂得认输

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The past six months have been a hard time for some high-profile hedge funds. Crispin Odey’s Swan Fund and Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square have made losses of sufficient magnitude to wipe out years of accrued profits. Other star funds, from Blackstone’s Senfina to Paulson & Co, have also seen the second quarter of this year turn into a bloodbath.

一些知名对冲基金在过去6个月处境艰难。克里斯平•奥迪(Crispin Odey)的天鹅基金(Swan Fund)和比尔•阿克曼(Bill Ackman)的Pershing Square出现大幅亏损,抹掉了多年来累积的利润。从黑石(Blackstone)的Senfina到Paulson & Co,其他明星基金也在今年第二季度遭遇巨额亏损。

Some of the losses are attributable to the normal things that go wrong in investing — mergers which fall apart, commodity prices following their own logic and so on. But some of the worst pain has been caused by trades which looked like they made a lot of sense at the time. Pershing Square’s losses, for example, are largely attributable to one stock — Valeant and one macro theme: short China.

一些亏损可归因于正常的投资失误——并购告吹、大宗商品价格走势遵从其自身规律等等。但一些最糟糕的损失是当时看起来非常明智的交易导致的。例如,Pershing Square的亏损在很大程度上归因于一只股票Valeant和一个宏观主题:做空中国。

Neither of these trades could be considered a dumb mistake. Valeant had been one of the best-performing stocks in the pharmaceuticals sector until last year. And speculating on a Chinese economic slowdown not only had a sound economic rationale, it was delivering the goods until quite recently. It all serves as a grim reminder that it is not always the bad ideas that do the damage. What you have to look out for is good ideas that have stopped working.


At a brokerage firm I once worked for, a constant source of irritation for the research department was the Best Ideas portfolio. This was a model portfolio consisting of the analysts’ highest conviction “buy” recommendations with the greatest upside, hedged against a selection of the “sell” recommendations with the biggest downside. Its performance was, generally, terrible.


However, the same firm also maintained a Head of Research’s portfolio. This was a similar long/short selection and its performance was much better. In fact, during the time I worked there, the Head of Research portfolio outperformed major market indices in bull and bear markets.


What was particularly impressive was that the head of research did no work at all in selecting his eponymous portfolio. It was simply constructed by taking the Best Ideas portfolio, and using a “stop loss” rule which took out any stock that had gone the wrong way by 10 per cent since being included.


It seemed to be the case that the Best Ideas portfolio had a lot of potential value in it but that all the positive returns generated by the good ideas, and more besides, was being destroyed by a comparatively small number of ideas that did not work, but which the analyst liked too much to downgrade.


This seems to be a large part of the problem with the hedge funds this year. Mr Odey and Mr Ackman are strong-willed characters and both had a record which justified their self confidence. But all this goes to show is that it is not just mediocre investors who make mistakes.


An old City saying has it that the definition of a “long-term investment” is a short-term investment that went wrong. The behavioural tendency it describes is one of the most dangerous things in finance. Of all the factors which drive someone to take unacceptable risks, the most common and most serious is arguably the refusal to admit that a mistake has been made.


This is not to say that the market is never wrong or that it is a good idea to be shaken out of a position by market volatility. Mr Ackman and Mr Odey have made their reputations and fortunes out of betting against the herd.


But it is always worth looking out for the indicators that a fund manager might be in denial. Changing rationales for a trade, ignoring bad news, blaming central bankers — these are all signs that contrarianism might have slipped into cognitive dissonance. Investors should remember that although Best Ideas portfolios are occasionally referred to as High Conviction, the two terms are definitely not synonymous.

但始终有必要留意基金经理死不认错的迹象。改变某一笔交易的理由、忽视坏消息,指责央行行长——这些都是逆向思维沦为认知失调的迹象。投资者应该记住,尽管“最佳想法”投资组合有时被称为“高信念”(High Conviction)组合,但这两个词绝不是同义词。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
volatility [.vɔlə'tiliti]


n. 挥发性,挥发度,轻快,(性格)反复无常



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

comparatively [kəm'pærətivli]


adv. 比较地,相对地

conviction [kən'vikʃən]


n. 定罪,信服,坚信

magnitude ['mægnitju:d]


n. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级

synonymous [si'nɔniməs]


adj. 同义的

cognitive ['kɔgnitiv]


adj. 认知的,认识的,有认识力的



vt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct

hedge [hedʒ]


n. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的


关键字: 投资者 对冲基金




