Two men suffered moderate injuries when they tumbled off a seaside cliff north of San Diego while reportedly playing Pokemon Go, fire officials said last Thursday.
美国消防部门上周四声称,在北部的圣迭戈市,两男子在玩儿《口袋妖怪 Go》时,不幸跌入海边的悬崖,并受到了中度损伤。
The pair fell after climbing a fence and disregarding warning signs in order to get on the bluff in Encinitas, Calif., said Fire Marshal Anita Pupping. The names of the victims were not released.
Pupping says one of the men tumbled about 50 feet. His companion fell about 80 to 90 feet. "The fire department had to extricate them with ropes and harnesses and such."

Pokemon Go has become a summer phenomenon. The goal of the game is to capture the animated figures. Unlike past app-based games, Pokemon Go is being credited with coaxing kids and adults to exercise by having to walk to play. But it also has landed players in hot water.
《口袋妖怪 Go》现在已经成为一种夏日潮流。该游戏的目标是抓住可爱的小精灵。和过去的基于手机应用的游戏不同,《口袋妖怪 Go》以诱导孩子和成人通过走路玩游戏的方式进行锻炼而广受赞誉。但是它也会让玩家陷入困境当中。
One player reportedly found a body while playing in Wyoming, some have been robbed and other players have become involved in traffic accidents, according to news reports.
"We'd like people to stay clear of all the bluffs, overhangs and cliffs," said Pupping, though she was not able to confirm if the two men were indeed playing Pokemon Go at the time of their fall.