Amazon may be be taking steps to move its grocery business into new territory: drive-up grocery hubs, which would give it a new slice of the highly competitive, $800 billion grocery market.
Planning documents and local business-news point to three possible locations for the "click and collect" sites: San Carlos and Sunnyvale, Calif., as well as Amazon's hometown of Seattle.
The new locations would allow customers to buy online and then pick up the groceries, eliminating the need for Amazon to deliver perishable items. They would complement Amazon's current grocery offerings, Amazon Fresh and Prime Now.
新的地点将满足客户网上下单,之后实体店取货的需求。这不仅解决了易变质物品的物流难题,而且有助于弥补线下实体店、Amazon Fresh和Prime Now的物流能力不足的问题。
"It's very appealing. You can shop at home or at your desk, and then on the way home from work or picking up the kids you just swing by and they bring you out your groceries," Phil Lempert, a food marketing expert based in Los Angeles。
It's already tested the business with two services where it takes care of the delivery: the company's Amazon Fresh offers full-service grocery delivery in Seattle, southern and northern California and New York City. Its Prime Now, a two-hour delivery for more limited grocery items, is available in 25 markets in the United States.
亚马逊先前一直对于这种商业模式在物流运输方面的服务进行试验:一种是在西雅图、加利福尼亚的南北部和纽约市里推出的Amazon Fresh,承担实体店的所有货运服务;另一种则时在全美25个市场推出Prime Now,对于易变质物品的两小时送达服务。
That's a different model from the possible "click and collect” sites, which are already popular via other retailers in Europe and the United Kingdom, said Michelle Beeson, a retail commerce analyst with Forrester based in London.
Getting Americans to buy their groceries from Amazon would tie younger consumers to the company and give the data-voracious tech company even more insight into households.