The Oxford English Dictionary's newest set of words run the gamut from pop culture slang like "YOLO" (You Only Live Once, for those out of the loop) to dishes like "spanakopita."
The 1197 new entries also include terms like:

Moobs: "Unusually prominent breasts on a man (likened to those of a woman), typically as a result of excess pectoral fat."
Merica: "A truncated form of 'America', now often used ironically draw attention to stereotypical American ideals, institutions, or traditions."
Fuhgeddaboudit: "In representations of regional speech (associated especially with New York and New Jersey): 'forget about it', used to indicate that a suggested scenario is unlikely or undesirable."
Fuhgeddaboudit:一种特定地区常用的口语(尤其是在美国纽约和新泽西),发音类似于“forget about it”,意指某些事不可能、别想了。
Westminster bubble: An insular community of politicians, journalists and civil servants out of touch with the wider public.
Westminster bubble:包括政客、记者、政府官员在内的脱离广大群众的封闭圈子。
Other additions to the quarterly update include gender-fluid, which describes someone who does not identify with a particular gender, as well as clicktivism and slacktivism - which describe the use of social media and other online methods to promote a cause.