A researcher who is no stranger to controversy has pondered whether exporting wild dog meat to South-East Asia is a sustainable way to manage the pest.
Dr Benjamin Allen most recently worked on a plan to release dingoes into a Great Barrier Reef island to kill feral goats.
His latest research started with a throwaway comment.
"I met someone who works a fair bit in Asia. I mentioned that I work with dingoes, and they said 'Oh, I've always wondered if tinned dingo meat would go well there'," he said.
Dr Allen did not give the issue much thought until he was preparing to present a paper at a conference focusing on conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife.

"Around the world, the sustainable use of wildlife is used as a model for conservation," he said.
"We have sustainable use here in Australia already. We have kangaroo and possum harvesting industries. Ecotourism is also sustainable use."
The paper Dr Allen wrote for the conference is titled Creating dingo meat products for Southeast Asia: potential market opportunities and cultural dilemmas.
"I think the first reaction from people when they hear the idea of selling wild dog meat to Asia is 'How could you possibly put our animals through that?'" he said. "But the dogs are already being killed through trapping and shooting."
Dr Allen said the control of wild dogs on Australian pastoral land had become a major concern to local, state and federal governments.
"We've got no idea how many wild dogs are in Australia, but there's something in the order of 10,000-15,000 scalps a year handed in to local governments for bounty payment," he said. "The dog is often hung on a tree or hung on a fence, or left to rot on the ground."