Short-seller Andrew Left plans to appeal against a Hong Kong ruling that bans him from trading in the city for five years and would cost him at least $700,000.
做空者安德鲁.莱福特(Andrew Left)计划针对香港当局禁止他5年内进入香港市场的裁定进行上诉,该裁定将让他损失至少70万美元。
The ruling, handed down by Hong Kong’s Market Misconduct Tribunal on Wednesday, followed the tribunal’s finding in August that California-based Mr Left was culpable of misconduct in relation to the 2012 publication of a research report on Hong Kong-listed Chinese property developer China Evergrande.
香港市场失当行为审裁处(Market Misconduct Tribunal)周三作出了上述裁定,此前,审裁处8月时曾认定,居住在美国加州的莱福特在2012年发布的在港上市中国房地产开发商恒大地产(Evergrande)的一份研究报告中存在失当行为。
“The decision was not appropriate, and I’m going to appeal it,” he said yesterday. “I think it’s a real step backwards for markets in Hong Kong.”
The case was the first instance of the city’s regulator, the Securities and Futures Commission, pursuing the author of unregulated published commentary.
In August the tribunal found that Mr Left, who runs Citron Research, used “sensationalist language” and made allegations that were “false and misleading”.
今年8月,审裁处裁定香橼(Citron Research)负责人莱福特使用“夸张的言词”作出了“虚假和具有误导性”的指控。
Evergrande’s shares dropped as much as 20 per cent on the day the report was published, and closed down 11 per cent.
The tribunal noted that Mr Left did not seek comment from Evergrande before publishing — a step often taken by professional journalists but not widely by other commentators.
In a ruling late on Wednesday, the tribunal issued a five-year “cold shoulder” order — the maximum it can impose — that bars Mr Left from trading in the Hong Kong market.
It ordered Mr Left to disgorge his profits from trading in Evergrande and pay costs. His profits were HK$1.6m ($206,000) while the costs from the SFC, which brought the case, totalled HK$3.96m.
The government’s costs have not yet been calculated.
The tribunal granted a “cease and desist” order against Mr Left. This means a future breach could be dealt with in criminal court rather than as a civil case.
The case has been closely watched by commentators and hedge funds which feared that a finding against Mr Left could have put a chill on their freedom of expression, what one described as the right to “honestly held but incorrect opinion”.
The Citron case followed a victory by the SFC against Moody’s, the rating agency, earlier this year over a report that looked at “red flags” in Chinese company accounts.
The report was presented as market commentary, not ratings work, but the regulator considered it to be the latter, which is regulated in Hong Kong.
The SFC has maintained that its case against Mr Left was based on market manipulation.